This new TV series revolves around a group of aspiring performers who are pursuing stardom in Los Angeles. It stars a group of actors who, in real life, have already logged time on television — Jonathan Patrick Moore, Jewel Staite, Joe Dinicol, Cassie Steele, Chelan Simmons, Andra Fuller, and Benjamin Charles Watson.
Premiering in Ringer’s former timeslot, The LA Complex drew a pitiful 0.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 646,000 viewers. That’s horrible. Compared to last week’s disappointing finale Ringer, The CW was down by 40% in the demo and and 46% in total viewers. Yikes.
The numbers may have been slightly affected by the fact that The CW made the pilot episode available online last week. They’re reairing the first episode tonight at 8pm in an attempt to attract some more viewers but that’s not likely to offset the inevitable week two decline. This one looks dead in the water already.
But, what do you think? Did LA Complex perform better or worse than you expected? Do you think the ratings will improve or decline further? How long will The CW stick with it?
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