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The Wilds: Season Two Renewal for Amazon Prime Video Series

The Wilds TV show on Amazon prime Video: season 2 renewal


The slumber party drama isn’t over. The Wilds TV show has been renewed for a second season on Amazon Prime Video. The announcement was made by the cast via social media.

A young adult survival drama series, The Wilds TV show stars Sophia Ali, Shannon Berry, Jenna Clause, Reign Edwards, Mia Healey, Helena Howard, Erana James, Sarah Pidgeon, David Sullivan, and Troy Winbush. The story follows a group of teen girls from different backgrounds who find themselves fighting for survival after a plane crash strands them on a deserted island. The castaways both clash and bond as they learn more about each other, the secrets they keep, and the traumas they’ve all endured. What they don’t know is that these girls didn’t end up on this island by accident.

The first season of 10 episodes was just released on December 11th. Given that the show is filmed outside, that may have played into the decision to renew during the time of COVID-19. There’s no word yet on when season two will be unveiled.

Here’s the second season announcement:

What do you think? Have you watched The Wilds on Amazon Prime Video? Are you looking forward to seeing the second season?

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