An animated series, Young Justice debuted in 2010 and ran for two seasons on Cartoon Network before being cancelled. The show was revived for DC Universe and season three launched in January of this year. The show revolves around a group of teenage superheroes who are members of a covert operations team that takes orders from the Justice League. The members include Nightwing, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, M’gann M’orzz, Artemis, Geo-Force, Cyborg, and Arrowette.
Voice actors for the third season of the series include Jesse McCartney, Khary Payton, Jason Spisak, Nolan North, Danica McKellar, Stephanie Lemelin, Kelly Stables, Mae Whitman, Lauren Tom, Troy Baker, Zehra Fazal, Zeno Robinson, and Tara Strong.
It’s official! #YoungJustice will be back for a 4th season on @TheDCUniverse !
Thanks to everyone who subscribed and supported us! Once again, we are back because of YOUR great efforts! Thank you!!!#DCSDCC #DCUNIVERSE #SDCC2019
— Brandon Vietti (@BrandonVietti) July 21, 2019
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