A Netflix dark comedy series, the Daybreak TV show stars Colin Ford, Alyvia Alyn Lind, Sophie Simnett, Austin Crute, Gregory Kasyan, Krysta Rodriguez, Cody Kearsley, Jeanté Godlock, and Matthew Broderick. Based on the graphic novel by Brian Ralph, the series follows Josh Wheeler (Ford), a 17-year-old high school outcast who’s searching for his missing girlfriend, Sam (Simnett), in a post-apocalyptic Glendale, California. He’s joined by a ragtag group of misfits that includes a pyromaniac 12-year-old Angelica (Lind) and Josh’s former high school bully, Wesley (Crute). The group tries to stay alive amongst the horde of gangs of evil jocks and cheerleaders turned Amazon warriors, zombie-like creatures called Ghoulies, and everything else this brave new world throws at them.
What do you think? Which season one episodes of the Daybreak TV series do you rate as wonderful, terrible, or somewhere between? Do you think that Daybreak on Netflix should be cancelled or renewed for a second season? Don’t forget to vote, and share your thoughts, below.
*12/17/19 update: Netflix has cancelled Daybreak after one season of 10 episodes.
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