A sci-fi action-adventure based on the DC Comics characters, Doom Patrol stars Brendan Fraser, Matt Bomer, April Bowlby, Diane Guerrero, Joivan Wade, Timothy Dalton, and Alan Tudyk. The superhero drama centers on Robotman aka Cliff Steele (Fraser), Negative Man aka Larry Trainor (Bomer), Elasti-Woman aka Rita Farr (Bowlby) and Crazy Jane (Guerrero), who all gained new abilities in disfiguring accidents. This ragtag team of outcasts came together under the leadership of mad scientist Niles Caulder aka the Chief (Dalton). After he disappears, Cyborg (Wade) summons them into action for a new mission.
Just what the world needs… another season of @DOOMPATROLDCU. Coming in 2020 to #DCUNIVERSE. #DCSDCC #SDCC pic.twitter.com/MgKfT94ing
— DC Universe (@TheDCUniverse) July 21, 2019
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