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Mindhunter: Is the Netflix TV Series Cancelled or Renewed for Season Two?

Mindhunter TV show on Netflix: canceled or season 2? (release date); Vulture Watch

(Patrick Harbron / Netflix)

Vulture Watch

Are FBI agents Holden Ford and Bill Tench still on the hunt? Is the Mindhunter TV show cancelled or renewed for a second season on Netflix? The television vulture is watching all the latest TV cancellation and renewal news, so this page is the place to track the status of Mindhunter, season two. Bookmark it, or subscribe for the latest updates. Remember, the television vulture is watching your shows. Are you?   

What’s This TV Show About?

Streaming on the Netflix paid subscription platform, Mindhunter stars Jonathan Groff, Holt McCallanay, Anna Torv, Hannah Gross, Cotter Smith, Stacey Roca, Joe Tuttle, Alex Morf, Duke Lafoon, Peter Murnik, Sonny Valicenti, Cameron Britton, and Happy Anderson. The crime drama is inspired by the memoir of FBI veteran John Douglas, Mindhunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit (written with Mark Olshaker). The series follows ambitious FBI Agent Holden Ford (Groff) and seasoned agent Bill Tench (McCallany). Together, they delve into the minds of convicted serial killers to understand what motivates their evil deeds.

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On November 30, 2017, Mindhunter was renewed for a second season which will debut August 16, 2019. Stay tuned for further updates.
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Telly’s Take

Unless Netflix decides to publicize its viewership, it is hard to predict if they’ll cancel or renew Mindhunter for season two. Although there has yet to be an official renewal announcement, there are signs that a second season is in the offing. Fincher and composer Jason Hill have discussed plans for season two. The Mindhunters extras casting Facebook page has mentioned season two more than once. So, for now, I’ll make other dinner plans, even as I keep an eye on the trades and update this page with breaking developments. Subscribe for free updates on any Mindhunters cancellation or renewal news.

11/30 update: Netflix has renewed Mindhunter for season two. Check out the renewal details here, while I seek my supper, elsewhere.

Mindhunter Cancellation & Renewal Related Links


What do you think? Should the Mindhunter TV show be renewed for a second season? How would you feel if Netflix cancelled this TV series, instead?

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