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The Nine Lives Of Chloe King: Finale Movie Script to Be Released

THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING movieAs fans of the ABC Family series know all too well, The Nine Lives of Chloe King was cancelled after one season of 10 episodes. The last episode wasn’t intended to be the end of the series so it left viewers with plenty of cliffhangers.

There were some plans to end the series with a two-hour made-for-TV movie but it didn’t happen. Now, ABC Family and Alloy Entertainment have announced plans to release the movie script this Friday, September 13th.

ABC Family Executive VP Kate Juergens said, “Although we ultimately decided not to continue with the series, we wanted to make the Chloe King movie script available to her amazing fans to provide them the closure they’ve been clamoring for.”

Word is that the script will answer fans’ questions about Chloe’s choice between Brian and Alek, The Order, Whitley Rezza’s true motivations, Alek’s past and whether Meredith will finally learn about her daughter’s secret identity.

What do you think? Are you sorry that there won’t be a wrap-up movie? Will you be reading the script? If you’ve already read it, what did you think?

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