An HBO comedic series that’s based on the novel by Tom Perrotta, Mrs. Fletcher stars Kathryn Hahn and Jackson White with Owen Teague, Katie Kershaw, Domenick Lombardozzi, Cameron Boyce, Jen Richards, and Casey Wilson. The show is a dual coming-of-age story that chronicles the personal and sexual journeys of an empty-nest mother and her college freshman son. Eve Fletcher (Hahn) is a single mother in her 40s who works as the executive director of a senior center. She drops off her only child at college and returns home to a very empty house. Meanwhile, Eve’s son Brendan (White), a popular (though sometimes clueless) jock, finds that college is a little more complicated than he expected.
What do you think? Which season one episodes of the Mrs. Fletcher TV series do you rate as wonderful, terrible, or somewhere between? Do you think that Mrs. Fletcher on HBO should be renewed for a second season? Don’t forget to vote, and share your thoughts, below.
12/8/19 update: HBO designated the season finale as the series finale so, at least for now, there won’t be a second season for Mrs. Fletcher.
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