At today’s TCA Winter press tour, FOX Chairman and CEO Dana Walden said that the network is considering another season of 24 for 2016 — but Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) may not be part of it.
Walden notes that it’s too early in the creative process to tell whether Sutherland will be involved or not. They are in regular contact with him and know that he supports them doing more 24, with or without him.
She said, “First of all, we’re not talking about continuing the show without Kiefer… We’re talking about whether there’s one installment that he’s not in. I think if the storytelling is exciting enough, that real-time element that the show really owns. So many of the production aspects are so unique to that show.”
Walden believes that, based on the creative team and some of the characters that have already been established, a season of 24 could be successful without Jack Bauer.
She added that, if Sutherland did bow out for a season, it doesn’t mean that he couldn’t return to the franchise in the future.
What do you think? Would you watch a season of 24 without Jack Bauer? If he didn’t return, which other characters would you like to see featured?
I think its time Jack Baur takes a break and Kate Morgan should take the lead. It would have been good had Audrey survived and Jack could have taken a break because of Audrey. I also think that the show has become a little monotonous and we only don’t feel the monotony since there is a lot of break between each season. Kate Morgan should lead season 10 though it would be the most difficult choice for Yvonne if she is offered that option. Replacing the main character of any show is difficult and for 24, there was not other… Read more »
Blasphemy! There is no “24” without Kiefer. Anyway, Kief is in his 50s now so waiting a few more years to bring him back will resemble the James Bond movies of the late 80s with Roger Moore huffing and puffing up and down the stairs.Bring back Tony and President Palmer too.
Jack Bauer is Kiefer Sutherland!! Jack & Chloe save each other time & again.
Jack Bauer is 24. Too bad Audrey is gone. Never had a good story for them. Jean Smart and Mariel Hemingway were good. you could have Jack in some of the shows. This is really the top of the best shows ever. Next is the sopranos. They are done without Tony. How about Timothy Oliphant having a similar show. He and Boyd Crowder are excellent in Justified. Think about Tim. He is jJack Jr. Hurry up. No good shows on now.
They steadily ruined the show over the years by killing everyone—Terri, Nina, Tony, Sherry,Michelle, Edgar, Curtis, President Palmer, Ryan Chappelle, Bill Buchanan, Audrey Raines and others. What made the show was Kiefer and a great cast. If the producers wanted to do something novel, they should do a prequel that takes place before Season One and bring some of those people back . It would be great, although the make-up department would be putting in a lot of overtime.
I agree kiefer is jack bauer (no one else unlike bond can ever play him) and jack is 24.
I think the writers could figure out a new series (that’s what they do right?) I would even
settle for 12 episodes cause its better than nothing .oh yea an chloe has made her mark on the show as a regular . COMON MAN!!!!!
Looks like someone needs to express a different opinion, and I am happy to do it. I assumed throughout the “Live another Day” run that Yvonne Stravinsky was being groomed to take Keifer’s place, and I was all for it. Her character is like Jack’s soul twin. Don’t get me wrong: I loved Jack. But the series got old, as all series do. The character of Kate Morgan adds a breath of fresh air that revives the show. It could totally work. Everything else about the 24 format and brand could remain the same, and as they said, it is… Read more »
Correction: that should be Strahovski, not Stravinsky. That’s the way I spelled but my spell checker changed it without my noticing.
I believe Fox would be making a huge mistake. I am an 81 year old senior and frankly without Jack Bauer (Kiefer) I would tune is NCIS as the next best show on TV. We have a history with Jack Bauer and we do want him returned (broken out) from Russia. This show has history and many my friends that are seniors have been following 24 from season 1, and as many others have commented 24 is Jack Bauer and certainly your writers can develop high tech scenarios that can take Jack to a new dimension.
I think these people will try to sell you a peanut butter sandwich with no peanut butter.
we will not be watching ’24’, if Keifer isn’t in the show. He makes it worth watching. yall already took a show off we use to watch where the man looked at peoples faces to see if the lied. well any way, thats why we are not watching it if this is the case.
Who would take Jack Bauer place? I’d watch the show just out of curiosity. Who ever the next actor is had better be real good!
if the next season of 24 does not have jack bauer, it could be good because jack is finally with his family. and you better leave jack alone this time, or else im getting mad. on the other hand it could be bad as jack is still in Moscow, and we all know what happens to him when he is in enemy territory. if that is the case I hope Wayne Palmer is around to pull strings whether CTU NEEDS HIM OR NOT. you know what im going to moscow this minute to save jack, anyone joining?
24 is not 24 with out kiefer sutherland
A season of 24 without Kiefer Sutherland is like a season of Sienfield without Jerry. Seriously? This would be the biggest mistake ever made if they did this. Kiefer Sutherland forever!!!!
24 would not be the same without Kiefer as Jack Bauer. I don’t think I would watch! Jack Bauer (Kiefer) IS 24! Come on FOX! get it together, hurry up and work it out. We can’t wait any longer!!!!!!
24 without Kiefer would be cancelled before they hit hour 3