What happened to Pure Genius? Recently, star Augustus Prew spoke with TVLine about the CBS series and why it’s likely to be cancelled.
The drama follows top medical professionals as they team up with cutting-edge tech experts and try to push the boundaries of modern medicine to save lives. The cast includes Prew, Dermot Mulroney, Odette Annable, Reshma Shetty, Aaron Jennings, Ward Horton, and Brenda Song.
Season one of Pure Genius finished in January after CBS decided not to order more episodes—a bad sign for any chance of a renewal. Additionally, ratings for the medical drama were not good. Over the course of 13 episodes, the series averaged a .86 rating in the 18-49 demo and 5.342 million viewers, making it one of the network’s lowest-rated and least-watched new series for the 2016-2017 season. It’s unlikely the show will be renewed for a second season.
Speaking to TVLine, Prew said he thinks Pure Genius had an identity crisis:
But if I’m being honest, I think we got caught between two different shows. I think CBS wanted something a little more procedural, and [executive producer] Jason [Katims, of Friday Night Lights/Parenthood fame] wanted something a little more character-driven.
Prew later added that the show’s lack of direction was what brought it down:
CBS and Jason had slightly different visions of what they wanted the show to be, and as a consequence we weren’t enough of either, if that make sense. If it’s going to be a procedural, we should have done a procedural and taken out of the character development. And if it was going to be about these characters and their lives and coming to terms with their own mortality — which is what I wanted the show to be about — we should have pushed that further. … It lost its reason to be. I think that’s where we fell down, if I’m looking at it under a new light.”
What do you think? Did you see Pure Genius? Do you think CBS should renew the show?
Renew. If not , this is just another example of the lack of genius of the powers that be who make these decisions. How many great shows have taken more then the first group of episodes to really catch on with the tv viewers. There is so much garbage that takes up so much viewing space that could be used for quality shows. Please give Pure Genius another chance.
Great show, please renew. Our favorite.
I really enjoyed the show, it was different and innovative. I wish it were staying on I have missed it.
My wife and I watched this show religiously. The combination of high tech and good character building was excellent. If Scorpion can make it, so can’t Pure Genius. 2nd season please!
It was one of only 4 programs we looked forward to watching every week. We are hoping, somehow, it can have another chance.
I am not happy with the fact that pure genius is on the chopping block because it is one of a few shows that doesn’t have violence and bad language. It is a good family show and I would really like to see it renewed. COME ON CBS GIVE IT ANOTHER SEASON
This is another good show that needs another chance, to get a glimpse of what could happen to the medical field in the future was awesome. The staff was great in pulling for the patients and trying their best to cure them. Awesome show that was a good wholesome show which is rare today. I wish CBS could give them another chance or another station would.
It was a great show. Has great characters. Needs to be renewed.
My husband and I loved the show. We watched all of them. You should try it for another season.
Renew. I loved the mix of character building, as well as the procedural aspect. Maybe a tiny bit more procedure aspect should be added, but even if it stayed exactly the same I will still watch!
We have watched every episode of this show. We are also over 50, what about us? This show was about hope, honesty & morals. I really hope they reconsider cancelling this show, give it a chance!!
I am so upset that they didn’t give Pure Genius a fair chance. It was so nice to watch a show that was so full of hope and goodness!!! It should have been on at an early time so the whole family could watch it together. It might have inspired some of our youth. The cast was great!! Once again, I’d like to say what about us over 50!! Don’t we count? Wish another network would pick it up!!
Once again the network cancels a really good quality show.
CBS loves to cancel really good shows that don’t blast out of the gates with viewers way before the show is able to get the word around and the viewers tuning in. The days of network tv letting a show grow is long gone, which is why I mostly stick to movies nowadays. I seriously dislike investing the very limited personal time I have on this planet watching a show that will not conclude with a satisfactory ending. Every moment we waste on a program that won’t give us viewers closure is a waste of our life force. Networks make… Read more »
Well, I hope CBS sees the wisdom of renewing “Pure Genius” for another season and maybe more. I never missed an episode. This is one of those shows that is before it’s time, it just needs the right audience to find it. There are some many real stupid shows airing and seem to get renewed. This show is inspiring. It is about people that care about others, and I feel with all the technology of today we are losing the connection with mankind. So please renew “Pure Genius”. Thank-you.