CarlaVanWagoner / Shutterstock.com
Lucifer’s mom isn’t going away anytime soon. TVLine reports Tricia Helfer has been promoted to a series regular on FOX’s Lucifer.
Earlier, Helfer was cast as Lucifer’s (Tom Ellis) mother, Charlotte.
Discussing the role, she said the character makes quite the impression in the season two premiere:
I heard it put, ‘She’s not really that much older [than Lucifer and Amenadiel]. But it will all make sense once you see it. … We’re not going to leave people guessing. There’s been enough of that with the concern that she’s escaped from Hell.”
Season two of Lucifer debuts on September 19th.
What do you think? Have you seen Lucifer? Will you watch season two?
I love this show and wait each week to watch it, and I also DVR it! Please, more seasons!
Cancel it; I miss America being a Christian nation when shows like this wouldn’t have been on for more than two episodes; this show is dangerous in the ongoing war between Light and Darkness, and I can’t believe more people don’t speak out against it and all the other shows like it; there isn’t much tv I like to watch anymore.
Lucifer pays big time for any and all transgressions on this show. He wants the bad guys punished not rewarded.
lighten up. It’s a fun show.
The show has a lot of potential, but it keeps missing it’s opportunities to”KICK A$$” as Lucifer walks around grinning through every episode. Then when he finally has a chance to really go HARDCORE on someone who deserves it – He just smiles, flashes his devil face or red eyes for a split second and socks em’ in the jaw – old James T. Kirk style. smh They are SERIOUSLY going to have to kick this thing into high gear, or I doubt it will make it all the way through a 2nd season. They don’t seem to understand that… Read more »
I adore this show i have watched it again at least twice on hulu!
Love the show. Will definitely watch season two.
Oh My, Love me some Tricia Helfer.
She is beautiful.