In the series finale of Lost, Hurley (Jorge Garcia) becomes the island’s new protector and Ben (Michael Emerson) agrees to help him, much like Richard Alpert helped Jacob. In the final minutes of the episode, when they see each other in the afterlife, Ben and Hurley quietly exchange compliments about how well they did their jobs on the island; an indication that they worked together on the island for some time.
Soon after the finale aired, Michael Emerson talked about some extra footage that would be part of the DVD sets. He said, “You can call it an epilogue, a lost scene. It’s a lot. It’s 12 or 14 minutes that opens a window onto that gap of unknown time between Hurley becoming number one and the end of the series.”
We’ve since learned that that footage will be called “The New Man in Charge” and the current issue of Entertainment Weekly has a first look at it (above right). The caption reads…
One Last Glimpse of Lost
The season 6 DVD, out Aug. 24, offers an original, 12-minute vignette called “The New Man in Charge,” a tantalizing look at what Hurley (Jorge Garcia) and Ben (Michael Emerson, left) do as the new island overseers, “Ben is going around to Dharma installations and closing some down,” Emerson says. “There are some good surprises,” And yes, “It does answer questions.” — Adam B. Vary
The scenes will appear on the Lost: The Complete Sixth And Final Season as well as Lost: The Complete Collection
DVD set. As the caption says, both are due to be released on August 24th.
What do you think? Do you plan on buying or renting season six of Lost so that you can watch this extra footage?
Now what am I going to have to look forward to each week!!! Thank-you to all the people who made this great show possible. Good Luck to all your future acting adventures!