Late in the 2013-14 season, NBC and ABC launched three new Sunday night dramas — all with single word titles. NBC cancelled Crisis and Believe while ABC renewed Resurrection for a second season. In retrospect, was that a good decision for the alphabet network? Should Resurrection have been cancelled as well?
On Resurrection, a small town in Missouri is turned upside down when long-dead loved ones return after 30 years. The cast includes Omar Epps, Frances Fisher, Matt Craven, Devin Kelley, Mark Hildreth, Samaire Armstrong, Sam Hazeldine, Landon Gimenez, and Kurtwood Smith.
Debuting on March 9th, Resurrection had a great launch with a 3.8 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 13.9 million total viewers. (Those numbers are about the same as this season’s How to Get Away with Murder’s debut.)
Unfortunately, Resurrection’s ratings dropped about 19% in week two and they kept falling nearly every week of the eight episode season. The seventh installment hit a low of a 1.9 rating with 7.85 million — half of the premiere’s demo rating.
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Considering the poor luck that the alphabet network had last year launching new dramas, it wasn’t much of a surprise that ABC renewed Resurrection. They didn’t have much choice. However, the ratings slide was a terrible sign for the future.
Now, the show has been really struggling in season two. After a positive second season debut, the ratings quickly dropped, falling to new series lows week after week. The October 26th installment registered a mere 1.2 rating with 4.36 million.
ABC recently ordered full seasons and additional episodes of many of their new and older shows. It was a telling sign that the network is only producing 14 episodes of Resurrection this season.
Unless the ratings improve, it looks very likely that Resurrection will be cancelled by May. Hopefully, the writers will give viewers some degree of closure before the end.
What do you think? Did you stop watching Resurrection? Should it have been a mini-series? Is competition from The Walking Dead and football the cause of the low ratings? Do you think Resurrection should be cancelled or renewed for a third season?
I wasn’t happy to see Resurrection getting renewed but with not-so-good ratings, it’s really a “tough sell” or in other words “on the bubble”.
Must be canceled
Please, Please, Please don’t cancel my favorite show! Actually, its my son Matthew and my favorite show. I have it on my DVR list and even though I record it, we watch it together and then we watch it again before the next episode airs. And we have discussions about what we think will happen next! Its so much better than reality tv- that’s all junk in my opinion! The storyline and actors are excellent! We need stories like these to intrigue and challenge our minds not to mention that its SOOO exciting, interesting and fun to watch! So please… Read more »
The show had promise but it seemed to have floundered midway through season 1 looking for a direction to take and by the end the first season I started not to care about the show. Haven’t returned to season 2, nor do I miss it.
This is one of the only three shows I continually follow along with walking dead and supernatural. I think it’s a fantastic show that is always making a new twist as the plot progresses. It keeps you thinking and guessing. The cast it also great. I think the only thing hurting rating is the fact of football and walking dead being on as well. Please don’t cancel this show!!!
This show is slow and repetitive. Clearly the creator had a premise and not much more. It seems like Lost all over again. It has no end game and the writers are just dragging it out and muddling it up. Take a page( or at least some notes) from Breaking Bad when it comes to writing. YOUVE LOST YOUR AUDIENCE!! This has become a complete snore-fest. And that’s a shame. The show won’t make it past this season.
yes, it should have been cancelled. Nothing but people that have died just keep coming back nothing else.
No, We like Resurrection very much. Why are you cancelling all the good shows like Betrayal and the like?
I like Resurrection but it’s too much of the same thing, it ne D’s more pizzazz. If it does come to an end, please rap it up like 666 Park Avenue. Don’t leave us hanging. Thanks.
If ABC cancels this awesome show, I am going to be irate!!! It’s a great show with a great cast, and one of the series recordings on my DVR. And I still want to know how sure they can be of ratings these days because of DVR’s. I have 19 series I record and NEVER do I watch them until after they record or it might be a day or two later!!!! So how accurate are the ratings these days??????????? The stupid, brainless reality shows are ruining tv by the way, What a waste of good air time. Give me… Read more »
I think ABC needs their head examined! They bring in new shows that make people use their brains, then get cold feet when it isn’t a rousing success. After years of reality shows, it’s no wonder people’s brains are slow to catch on to something this fantastic. It’s just like Forever. I got upset last Sunday when the Cowboys game was on at the same time and, of course, my husband preferred the game. Gotta get a 2nd TV!
I love Resurrection!!! Since bringing on the lady from Games of Thrones its gotten better I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next! Please don’t cancel it, give it a chance.
This and ONCE UPON A TIME are my two favorite shows on TV. Therefore, watching them back to back on Sunday nights is the perfect combination for me. I certainly hope RESURRECTION recovers from the slump, and lasts for years. Because I think there is a magical element to the show that could pull it through. It’s worth saving. It’s a great program with a great message and wonderful intrigue. I agree that the season two reboot of sorts was a mistake – but only in the sense that the retooling of the story was a mistake. But, getting a… Read more »
This show is so slow… I can’t take it anymore.
This is the only show that I watch on a regular basis, besides bravos millionaire realtors of L.A. Please don’t take it off, at least until we get a resolution .