As you can tell by looking at this page, several shows have already been cancelled this season. And unfortunately, the blood-bath isn’t over yet.
By May, numerous other TV shows will be cancelled and loyal viewers will have to say farewell to characters that they’ve come to know and love. There are more than 30 shows that are very possibly on the chopping block right now.
Some are almost certainly goners (Better Off Ted, Brothers) while others are very likely to return for another season (Fringe, Castle). Crazy things can happen though. Who would have guessed that NBC would end up ordering seven more episodes of Trauma after essentially cancelling it?
Round One: Which bubble show should be saved?
Total Votes: 1,613 ![]() |
This is your turn to play network executive. Which bubble show would you save if you had the power to do so?
This is a smackdown-style game which means that we’ll be doing it in three rounds. You can only vote once right now but, next week, we’ll take the top winners and you can vote again on those.
Is choosing just one of these shows too tough? Is a TV programmer’s job an easy one? After you’ve voted, leave a comment below and share your decision. You might just convince someone to follow your lead!
UPDATE: This round is now closed. Please proceed to round two…
I really like Accidentally on purpose for a new comedy and Rules of engagement, but for drama I really like Trauma, Mercy and Castle. Why do so many have to be cancelled. Cancel some of the stupid reality shows. enough is enough.
I personally want the forgotten and life unexpected to stick around … i love the message behind the forgotten but if i only had to choose one it would be life unexpected. it is the first thing on the dvr that i watch on mondays … but with the change in time it make it harder to keep it because it is up against House, How I Met Your Mother and Secret Life
said round 2 was coming out today!!! WHERE IS IT!!!!!
@R.J. Sheedy: It’s still today! LOL Round two has been posted!
This is a truly magnificent show! (Wait a minute; am I saying this about a sitcom?!) Yes, I am, and yes, it is! I discovered it in 2010, then bought the first season episodes. What wonderfully satirical fun. Please save it!
Better Off Ted is a magnificent show (I’m saying this about a sitcom?!). Yes, I am, and yes it is!
BETTER OFF TED!!! Not since Arrested Development has there been as smart and funny a show on the air. I’m not sure if the Networks are only going off of Nielsen ratings or have included Hulu and DVR as well. I love this show and will be terribly sad to see it go. Sometimes you need more than a poorly marketed season to get a show off the ground.
save Medium….I only found Medium late last year and am running out of new episodes on Lifetime and CBS to watch.
Medium please keep love this show been a fan since day one
please leave truma alone, its a excellent show with wonderful actors
I think they shouldn’t cancel One tree hill. It’s SOOO good!
None of this matters. Moonlight is……gone. 🙁 So much for me watching t.v. again. I’ll just stick to my old Charmed(The good seasons), Bones, and whatever other good shows I own.
When’s Round 2 Comeing?
@R.J. Sheedy: Tomorrow!
PLEASE, PLEASE, don’t cancel Trauma. This has been the best show on NBC since ER. I need to have my weekly fix of Rabbit, he’s HOT!!!
MUST be MEDIUM.. great great Show. I love Al and Joe, the kids, and everything.
“Better Off Ted”: great premise, rich characters, fantastic and imaginative writing, amazing cast.