Take another look at home design with this new series. You Can’t Turn That Into a House is a new series that will premiere in July. Viewers will see two brothers from Missouri tackle tough home design issues.
FYI released a press statement detailing the new series. Check that out below.
“An all new FYI television series is about to change the way you think about home renovation! You Can’t Turn That Into A House premieres Saturday, July 15 at 9:30pm ET on FYI.
In You Can’t Turn That Into A House, two Missouri brothers, Taimoor and Rehan, are traveling the country rewriting the rules of home design by taking on the most unconventional, most bizarre, most dangerous run-down structures and transforming them into surprising, ingenious and luxurious dream homes. Whether renovating an old carnival trailer into a mobile guest house, turning an industrial garbage dumpster into a luxurious lake-front retreat, or fusing two rundown school buses together to form one unique structure, there’s no job they won’t take on.
With Taimoor’s business savvy, Rehan’s artistic talent, and help from their lifelong friend turned contractor Kyle, this close-knit team has joined forces to turn dreams into reality by creating the most eccentric properties and proving everyone wrong who says, You Can’t Turn That Into A House. New episodes will air Saturdays at 9:30pm ET on FYI.”
Will you check out You Can’t Turn That Into a House next month? Tell us what you think.
We saw this program for the first time when the brothers renovated a dumpster LOVED it! Would love to know more about the brothers and their company.
You Can’t Turn That Into A House was My Favorite Show, Please Bring it Back. Plus how can U get in touch with these brothers???
I agree that show was great. I don’t know why it’s not back on. How do you get in touch with them? Don’t sleep.
Yes great show keep it up more shows per season
I have a project for them to do in ks. Not far from where their in laws use to live.
Love the show, they give so many ideas that to Can use in your own home. Please keep them on TV
Although I like the idea of the show, the finished spaces always have windows that don’t open. That’s going to be one miserable hot guest, with no ventilation. Even if there is an AC unit in some of the episodes what happens if the electricity goes out? Some finished houses don’t have insulation. The one car garage episode was done very nicely with interesting design ideas. But, not only did the windows not open, it had no air conditioner that I saw and no ventilation or window in the bathroom. I believe you need one or the other per building… Read more »
Funny, made a comment last week about last minute changes. Watch the horse trailer conversation and Lucas walks in and informs the guys that a fold down table won’t work. Must be a full size table! Oh no! Major design change with only 3 days left!! Didn’t they go over the design with Lucas before they started? Last minute design changes get old every episode. I am so relieved that they always meet the quick turnaround time so grandma can stay in the horse trailer. Where was grandma going to stay before the owners came up with the idea 6… Read more »
YES! Expand housing options as much as possible. 2 billion of the 7.5 billion people on Earth lack adequate housing.
I like that they repurpose as much as possible. I like the designs. However, I don’t agree with their building practices. Insulation omitted from metal buildings means condensation problems which can lead to mold, rust, etc. Using untreated wood on concrete leads to rot. These structures definitely are not built to code or inspected.
Just found your new show and can’t get enough, Good luck hope to see many more.
Love this show it is fantastic
I really enjoy this show it is unique for sure!
I really enjoy this show, fun and interesting
I really enjoy this show!!
I have a great idea to change the show up a little. I bet you can’t make a home out of this ! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1792598247435085&set=a.213332398695019.65248.100000547803195&type=3&theater