Long-running syndicated court show Judge Alex has been cancelled. The cancellation was confirmed by Stephen Brown, executive VP of programming and development for the Fox Television Stations.
“We would like to thank Alex Ferrer as well as executive producer Kathy Sapp and the entire staff for producing a strong daytime court program,” said Brown in a statement. “Alex’s extensive police, legal and judicial experience combined with his great sense of humor made for compelling daytime television for nearly 10 years.”
Judge Alex debuted on September 12, 2005 and features cases that are presided over by Judge Alex E. Ferrer, a former police officer, lawyer, and Florida judge.
The series is the lowest-rated of the five remaining court shows and will continue airing original episodes through August.
In a statement on his Facebook page, Ferrer said, “It was not my decision to end the show. I enjoyed doing the show and would keep doing it but, for many reasons, the company that produces the show wanted to move on. I am grateful that I was able to work with really amazing people like my EP Kathy Sapp and Associate EP’s Tera Roberson and James Glover; Directors Eddie October, Michael Dimitch and Art Bergel; Bailiffs Mason Burroughs & Victor Simon, my makeup, hair and wardrobe help that changed me from hideous to tolerable; incredible producers and associate producers who found great cases for me to try and so many others in our 100 person staff and crew who made the show a success. I’m also grateful to have so many great fans and friends, many of whom I got to meet; and I’m sure that I’ll still get to meet more of you at other events.”
He also hinted that he may return to television at some point in the future.
What do you think? Did you like Judge Alex? Are you sorry that it’s been cancelled?
Greatly enjoy Judge Alex’s demeanor. He is entertaining & fair.
We really miss both Judge Alex & Mason.
We prefer him over Judge Mathis.
We used to love Judge Mathis too, but he became too much like Jerry Springer.
If you brought Judge Alex back, we would be tickled to tears.
Judge Alex IS back. At least, I see his show in the San Diego area. The best Judge shows are Judge Judy, Judge Alex, Hot Bench and People’s Court. The only thing wrong with any of them in my view is that the loser really does not pay so it is a kind of injustice when the loser can keep ill gotten gain even though it is gratifying that the winner is awarded the money he or she had lost. I agree with the comment on Judge Mathis but Judge Faith has good moments.
Please note that you are watching repeat episodes from 2012, NOT new episodes of the show. Most TV’s with an information button will let you know this.
Yes, they are re-runs, but I Still enjoy them. Most of the other Judge shows are not worth watching, in my opinion.
I had not noticed that. Admittedly I go back and forth between Judge Alex on channel 13 and People’s Court on channel 9 over Cox Cable in the San Diego area and probably watch more of People’s Court than Judge Alex. There must be a lot of episodes I had not seen because the cases don’t ring a bell with me yet or look very familiar. The success of the reruns should encourage them to shoot some new shows. I am not sure what is on my remote control. Where is the information button located?
The shows are in syndication – there are about 10 years of shows so if you’re lucky you will be able to watch “new” shows for awhile.
History Teacher, good to see you here. I sure miss the back and forth on War of the Northern Incursion. I miss out conversations almost as much as I miss Judge Alex. In the meantime I’ve done a ton of reading and have discovered some rather interesting information that never made the history books I used back in school. Contact me at: LarryBme2@aol.com if you have the time. 🙂
Look – on my TV, there are ONLY 4 JUDGE SHOWS – People’s Court, Judge Alex, Judge Judy and Hot Bench!
I truly miss Judge Alex :.-(
We loved the show and watched almost every day. Wish he would come back on.
I did not like how the case T026 went with the dog. I did not like that. They sold her dog and she did not get all her money. I am glade the show was cancelled. Thank you God!!!
You base your opinion of a show and a judge off of 1 case?!?
Judge Alex was great! I loved his sense of humor.
Judge Alex was the best tv judge ever. His experience and his professionalism were a welcome change from the other judge shows. They are a joke! I worked for the court system for 25 years and I have never seen the circus I see on tv!
I am shocked and disappointed that Judge Alex was cancelled because of low ratings. I thought he was the BEST of the bunch. Honest, kind, firm, funny, just. I also love the judge on People’s Court. I hope someday Judge Alex comes back….I miss him!
Please renew Judge Alex. I enjoy the fair decisions and sometimes lighthearted comments from court shows. The one show that I do not care for is HOT BENCH.
Bring Judge Alex back.
No don’t!!!
I still miss Judge Alex–I loved the show. It appears that we now have mostly women judges–and Judge Mathis representing the only male judge hosting his own show. We really need Judge Alex back. And yes he is definitely easy on the eyes!!! 🙂
Judge Alex was by far the best court show!! Perhaps we’re it advertised better it would have had more viewers! Pray that when Judge Judy retires/passes on that Judge Alex will sit in her stead!!! BRING HIM BACK!!!! Plus easy on the eyes! ☺️
I still believe with all my heart that Judge Judy was responsible for Judge Alex’s show being cancelled. It’s all politics and race. Judge Alex was very fair with people of all races, sexual orientation and economic backgrounds. Judge Judy is mean. She has to be at the helm and her money talks….
I wish Judge Alex was still on. I loved watching his show. Judge Alex is very fair and nice. Please bring back Judge Alex. Thank you!
Lord Don’t!!!!
You’re in a great minority!!!
Wish they can make new episodes. One of the few judges that i love watching. The other one would be Judge Mathis