The short-lived show Reunion, created by Jon Harmon Feldman (who also created the prematurely cancelled 2003-05 series, Tru Calling), centers on the lives of six friends. The show premiered with the murder of one of the friends at a 20-year high school reunion. The series then followed the criminal investigation in the present, while flashing back to the characters’ past — one episode covering one year of their lives, starting with 1986 and working forward to the present.
To date, nine episodes have aired and 13 have been produced. Production was halted after the show was cancelled and its 13 episode original order (up to 1998, eight years before the murder happened) were completed.
As a result, viewers were left hanging. Creator Feldman said that, because of the nature of the show, it was unlikely that the killer of Alexa Davalos’ character “Samantha” would ever be revealed.
In December, Feldman said “The show was intricately plotted over 22 episodes to tell the full story of our characters’ lives (and deaths). Because the events of Samantha’s murder are partially reliant on characters we haven’t yet met — and events we haven’t yet seen — there is no way to solve the mystery of her murder without being able to complete the full arc of our story through present-day.”
Despite an outpouring of fan support, it doesn’t look like the show will be resurrected but a FOX executive has given a clue as to the identity of who the killer was (probably) going to be.
At the recent Television Critics Association press tour, FOX Entertainment president Peter Ligouri discussed the show’s premature finish. Ligouri shared, “Reunion was particularly cumbersome in terms of trying to provide an ending for the audience. How [creator Jon Harmon Feldman] was laying out the show to gap those additional years was an incredibly complex path. There were a number of options, and he didn’t make a definitive decision on which option he was going to go with as to who the killer was, and there was just no way to accelerate that time.”
He went on to say that the network and the show’s writers talked about several options for the killer’s identity, but “the best guess was (at that particular time) that it was going to be Sam’s daughter,” whom she had given up for adoption in the first episodes. The exact reason for the murder remains a mystery.
Despite the show’s failure to find an audience (averaging 4.3 million viewers), Ligouri said FOX won’t shy away from trying unique forms of storytelling in the future.
“It is regrettable when stories end before their time. I don’t think that should stop us from being ambitious with serialized storytelling. We put these shows on and we’re going to continue to put these shows on every year with every good intention to end them, but eventually the audience votes.”
put reunion back on, just started to get into it and it was taken off!!!!
Please put Reunion back on tv. It was suspenseful and kept you waiting every week to watch it and find out what happened the next year around.
Ending it after finding out that Samantha was the one who died stunk.
u guys at fox should take your cue from what happened with Family Guy, those stupid nielson ratings dont show half the story, but you guys certainly enjoy showing half the story, so inconsiderate, dont u realize that by cancelling shows like that that you gave that many episodes only creates more disfavor in the FOX channel as a whole and can damage ratings in the future for other projects, whatever u guys are clueless.
I’m not being funny, but at least in America they didn’t know ‘Reunion’ was going to be cancelled when they aired it. In the UK, E4 aired the show knowing FULL WELL it was going to come to an abrupt, inconclusive end and just wanted to get me hooked and then disappoint!!! It’s rubbish. I should sue for emotional distress, but im too busy…
I don’t understand why networks like ABC or Fox air programmes like Reunion which has twists and that and then just take it off air because it doesnt pull in over what 6 million viewers without even considering the people who did take an interest and watched it every week.Best thing the creators of Reunion scould do is release it on dvd for the fans because they’re the only people who suffer because of networks pulling fantastic shows off air!!!
I was amazed when the show was cancelled. I loved the series. Is there any chance of purchasing the series on DVD for die hard fans with the thirteen episodes that did get completed?
I would love to buy the DVD series. I realize it will NOT have all of the answers, but it was a great series, and to give you some perespective of the WIDE audiance it took in, I am 46, and my wife is 43, and we looked forward to the show being on every week.
Is it possible to purchase the 13 episodes?
Pleaseeee put REUNION on DVD atleast!
please please please put the show back on or at least
let us see the ending
Since I am the mother of two young children, I rarely get a chance to sit down and really get involved in any kind of television shows. Then Reunion came on. I made sure my boys were in bed, asleep, so I could sit down and really get into the show. I SO looked forward to watching it every week. I am SO mad that I committed NINE weeks of my life to something that the network executives pulled off the air because they deemed it not worthy of air time due to lack of viewers. Well, where I come… Read more »
Im brazilian and i loved this serie, i wanna that this show come back cause it was very cool and i wanna know who is the sam’s murder.Here in Brazil a television channel created a alternative end and the sam’s murder was Graig’s father but dont explain nothing about that.
Hi, can not believe this show is not goin to be fully aired, i absolutely love this show have only missed one episode, and cant believe there isnt an ending!!! Fox needs to put this out and finish it!!!
I loved Reunion and am so disappointed at FOX for taking it off the air. It was a great show with a great plot and great characters. I hope another channel picks it up because i hate not knowing how it ended. Can we get a DVD out?
Reunion is one of the best TV show, I ever seen (the plot, the idea behind each episodes representing a year, the development of friendship…). So, please either put back Reunion on air or as suggested by one of the supporter, make a movie of the series, so we can discover how they all came to this end! Million of thx 🙂
I’m never watching fox again.
It would be nice if you made a movie of the series so that we could have an end and find the answers for our questions.Thanks!