FOX announced its new schedule for the 2009 – 2010 season earlier this week and, other than the renewal of Dollhouse, there weren’t many surprises. If you count in the numbers for American Idol, the network is still doing very well with viewers in the 18-49 demographic.
New shows that are on the way for next season include Brothers, Human Target, Past Life, Sons of Tucson, and The Family Guy spin-off, The Cleveland Show.
Shows that will be back next season include 24, American Dad, American Idol, America’s Most Wanted, Bones, Cops, Dollhouse, Family Guy, Fringe, Glee, House, Kitchen Nightmares, Lie to Me, The Simpsons, So You Think You Can Dance, and ‘Til Death.
King of the Hill has been cancelled but, because FOX still has some leftover episodes, the network has indicated there are plans to air a few next season.
So You Think You Can Dance is also airing over the Summer. It’ll be joined by returning reality shows like Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?, Don’t Forget the Lyrics!, Hell’s Kitchen, and The Moment of Truth. Joining them will be new series Mental and More to Love.
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As is the case every year, there are a handful of shows that won’t be returning next season. Some had already been cancelled while we only suspected that others had been slashed. And the unlucky ones are…
Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?
The Jeff Foxworthy-hosted game show pits the knowledge of adults against precocious pre-teens. The show is set to return with new episodes in late June but that’s supposed to be the end of the show’s run. For those who enjoy the series, a syndicated version will begin airing in September on MyNetworkTV.
Do Not Disturb
A sitcom based in a posh New York City hotel. With bad reviews and few viewers, FOX pulled the plug after three installments aired. Three episodes, including the pilot, were never broadcast.
Don’t Forget the Lyrics!
This sing-a-long game show is hosted by the always-energetic Wayne Brady. It returns to the FOX schedule for the Summer months but they aren’t making any more episodes.
Hole in the Wall
A strange game show in which contestants try to quickly contort their bodies to match the cutouts in a rapidly moving wall. There were 26 episodes produced and, to date 18 of them have aired. They may air at some point but there won’t be any more produced.
The fourth network’s answer to Saturday Night Live lasted 14 seasons before FOX pulled the plug. Producers want to find another home for the series but thus far, they don’t appear to have been successful.
Osbournes: Reloaded
This strange reality show revolves around the crazy Osbourne family interacting with audience members and outrageous acts to create crazy stunts and comedy. Based on the poor performance of its March 31st preview episode, FOX has cancelled it. Five additional episodes were shot. They may see the light of day at some point but no others will be made.
Prison Break
The network says that Michael Scofield and frenimies can finally stop running. The prison drama is ending after four seasons. A two-hour follow-up movie has made and is coming to DVD in July. FOX may or may not air it as well.
Secret Millionaire
A reality show in which millionaires go undercover in depressed areas and end up awarding money to people in need. The network has said there’s a chance that it may be revived someday but, for now, it’s dead.
Sit Down, Shut Up
From creator Mitch Hurwitz, this animated series reunites several Arrested Development castmembers. Unfortunately, the series wasn’t beloved by viewers or critics as much. Four episodes have aired, leaving nine on the shelf. Again, they may air but there won’t be any new ones made.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
This sci-fi action series lasted just 31 episodes before having its plug pulled. Though you’d think that there’d be a big audience for a small-screen version of the Terminator franchise, not many viewers tuned in.
Will you miss any of these cancelled shows? Has FOX made any mistakes or have they gotten these right? See any they shouldn’t have renewed but did? Leave your comments below!
Here are updated listings for all five networks: ABC | CBS | The CW | FOX | NBC
Images courtesy FOX.
Why get rid of mental that was a good show what is wrong with these networks looks like fox will be the next one to lose me period for watching it I already gave up on cbs for getting rid of moonlight thank God for USA & SyFy & HBO for having some great show i’m finding more & more I like on cable then on network
What, the HELL is wrong with you Fox???
You plan to keep The Cleveland Show and gawd f***ing awful Dollhouse but you get rid of Mad TV??? Who do you people think you are???
That is just wrong! Lots of people love Mad TV and any of the fans could probably agree that the show was not the one to go! I’ll admit the show is not the same ever since Aries Spears and Michael McDonald left but it was still the better sketch comedy over Saturday Night Live!
Everything is going downhill from here…
Hi Dear
anybody knows something of the season 2 of MENTAL? is there going to be one or not?
@vicky: No word yet but the ratings weren’t good.
one major fal that fox will always make is cancelling good shows like terminator the sarah conner chronicles, “you try but you will die” fox
I truelly enjoyed watching Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles. It was my favorite show on tv. I set my DVR and made sure i wouldn’t ever miss it. And now i just found out its canceled. That is really messed up. I love the terminator saga. Im a follower of the show because it followed the story so well. Networks always get rid of the wrong shows and keep the stupid ****….
terminator was one of the best sci-fi programs on t.v. It was amazingly written and the cast was superb! Doll house is awful! Another huge mistake! Please sell terminator to another network so I can watch it.
Prison Break was another of my favorite series. I never missed ONE episode…. I was truly sorry to see it end, although I feel it could have lasted much longer….. I AM happy, however, that at least there was an ending. I wasn’t happy with how it ended, but, again, happy to at least see an ending…… And it was an “okay” ending.
Comment: These were good choices which seems a bit uncharacteristic for Fox. For once Im happy to see all the shows end. But with what theyre working with now they could cut another 7 or 8 shows and I would be happy. Especially if Til Death was included in that cut. Blah Blah Blah: King of the Hill and Madtv should have been canceled long ago. Fox has had some great dramatic shows recently. House MD still has plenty more life in it but Prison Break was like a never ending movie. I was waiting for it to end in… Read more »
Well Sit Down, Shut Up wasnt all that funny. It was too much dry humor. the Terminator Show and all the other “serious shows” that were cancelled i have never seen in my life but they most likely didnt return due to no ratings.
and DON’T… say Mad TV and King of the Hill should’ve been cancelled a while ago!
Compared to what Family Guy and every other comedy/animated show on Fox are becoming, they need(ed) Mad TV more than ever!
Fox is retarded lol.
canceling Terminator and Mental are BIG mistakes
Keep Mental on. It is intelligent t.v.
Mental is only “intelligent t.v.” if you are completely brain dead. I would think intelligent t.v. would be a show that dont treat its viewers like ignorant sheep that wont ever question the stupidity of a show.
Just to point out the obvious you must have a lack of intelligence for typing .” I would think intelligent t.v. would be a show that dont treat its viewers like ignorant sheep….”. Pretty sure it’s suppose to be doesn’t.
i thought r u smarter than a 5th grader wz gettng old but mental wz the ****! i want it back!! also y the hell wud they cancel dont 4get the lyrics?!
American Idol Is like Superstar in my tv only in my language.Superstar is Better Than American Idol!Anyways Paula Abdul Got Fired From American Idol
well im irritated about terminator, happy about dollhouse, and house well anyone who thought house wasnt comming back has problems…. As for american idol… im gonna watch it only bcause of Ellen!!! Idol has just went to hell!!!
mental wasnt cancelled… cant u read.