Comedy Central has renewed their animated comedy Brickleberry for a third season. Executive produced by Daniel Tosh, the 13 new episodes will premiere sometime in 2014.
The second season of Brickleberry is currently airing on Tuesday nights and the season finale will air on November 26th.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Brickleberry series? Are you glad to hear that the show will be back next year?
love it love it so dam funny thanks for b;ring it back
Awsome i’m so excited for Brickleberry
So glad Brickleberry has been renewed. It is a breath of fresh air from the nothing but
reruns that are on most TV channels anymore
Love this show! I work for the Forest Service and share with coworkers. Great fun.
Like the show “God, the Devil, and Bob” that was brilliant but cancelled I feared the same for “Brickleberry”. Glad to hear it will still be airing.
Very glad.
LOVE IT !!!!
Hell yea this is the best adult cartoon ever. though it got cant wate for ot to come back
is malloy dead cuz in the last episode malloy wood and two other guys died in lava and if malloy EVER dies i will jump out of a window into a highway infront of a car
good show…..but katelyn olsen needs to voice ethel again. the girl who voiced ethel on season 2 just didnt fit.
Very cleverly written, and very funny– a good adult cartoon, even I find myself going, “wow, did they just say that?” I’m glad its been renewed. Can’t wait for the new season.
Keep Brickleberry on ! Too funny!
So! very unlike “SNL”, Brickleberry is just simply cutting edge funny! one of the few events on television well worth viewing.
I love the show and would be bummed out if it was to be cancelled. Glad to hear they were renewed.
Good to hear I was a bit worried after the last episode and was afraid it was the end. I’ll admit initially, I didn’t like the show, but it grew on me like bread mold and now I’m hooked.