It was a little bit of a surprise that Ghost Whisperer was cancelled by CBS earlier this week. While the show’s ratings have dropped significantly this season, many reported that the TV show was on track for season six. Well, CBS may have cancelled it but the TV show could still continue on ABC.
Ghost Whisperer follows Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt), a young woman who has the ability to see, talk to, and help the dead. Series regulars have included David Conrad, Camryn Manheim, Jay Mohr, Aisha Tyler, Christoph Sanders, Jamie Kennedy, and Kenneth Mitchell.
With the current ratings, Ghost Whisperer wouldn’t ordinarily be of interest to ABC. However, the network co-owns the show with CBS and actually handles the production in-house. They actually developed the series before CBS picked it up back in 2005. If the price is right, ABC would stand to make more money from season six episodes once they hit syndication.
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According to Deadline, negotiations for Ghost Whisperer possibly moving to ABC started on Tuesday afternoon and are still in motion. Word is that they are going well though there are a number of points to work out.
It’s positive that the showrunner for next season is already in place and producers have signed on. That means that the show is ready to go back into production. The Ghost Whisperer writing staff have all been asked not to take other jobs until a final decision is made.
For now, people are being cautiously optimistic. Deals like this have fallen apart at the last minute before but things are reportedly looking good. We’ll obviously keep you posted.
What do you think? Will a deal be made so that Ghost Whisperer can continue for year six on ABC? If that were to happen, when would you like to see it air — on Friday nights or in another spot?
Image courtesy CBS.
please bring ghost whisperer back we love it
@CBS: read the comments! see how many people love Ghost Whisperer? why cancel it?
oh,I forgot about something:what about Melinda’s brother? what happened with him?
I really want this show to continue…It is so great and interesting!Plus,there are a lot of unfinished stuff,like: what happened with professor Payne?(i know he went in a trip,but 5-6 passed…),what will happen on Aiden’s next birthday?,what happened with Romano?(I only saw him in season 1,then he disappeared-was he a ghost that worked for the shadows or was he the shadows leader?).I’m really curious about these.I really really hope that the season 6 will be done :]
Bring back Guost Whisperer . Finish the story. Don’t end it without finishing the full story. The show is awesome. Gives faith in a world in need of faith especially now in the year 2012/2013 and beyond. World needs help badly. World needs hope badly. Greed is destroying planet earth. Need change. Need hope. Need faith. Without faith and hope why live. Planet Earth dies. Time for a positive change. Positive change with hope and faith. Save planet earth. Save humans. Become humanitarians. People helping people/teamwork/helping others/bartering, etc.. Lets create world peace!! Amen!!!
Season 6 PLEASE!!(:
You have too put Ghost Whisperer on air again! I Love this show!
And I’m really want you guys to make a seson 6! I really wnat to know whats happend!
You can’t stop Ghost Whisperer now! Pleas!! I Love this! Is the BEST I ever seen. and I live it sooo much!
They need to but the show back on I loved ghost whisperer and when it had it last season i was mad i would love for if they while make more season please It was one of the best thing me and my boyfriend would do is stay up late and watch it thank you i would greatfully happy if yall will put it back on air thanks 🙂
I love this show and I wouldn’t ever want it to stop! I would really like to know what happens. Its very intriguing and all the characters are great so keep the show please.
Buna… Abia astept sa inceapa sezonul 6 si pentru me nu conteaza ora… daca o sa ii dea drumul la sezonul 6 o sa fie ratting foarte mare pentru acel program la care o sa ne uitam
They really should have never canceled the show…watching the same episodes over and over gets kinda old, although I still do it… Ghost Whisperer should come back with season 6 and soon! Ghost Whisperer was and still is the only show really watch, it was great and had some of my favorite actors in it. S5:Ep. 22 The Children’s Parade left off at nothing, season 6 is needed to make it not seem so left off…The shadows let go of Melinda and there should be more episodes, season 6 is necessary to make the previous episodes make more sense, to… Read more »
They should have never cnaceled the show in the first place… ghost whisperer is my life and melinda gordon is my hero, i really hope they come out with season six, the fans of ghost whisperer need to know what happens next and if it were up to me most of the shows that are on now should be canceled because there garbage and ghost whisperer should come back. it’s the only show that has meaning, has a plot and has the unexpected and it needs to come back!
Heyy …. Why u stop season 6:( . I’m so sad …. When is so intersting… now i don’t now what happend whit the kid in next season. Please make season six , because many people wait this . I say again please no stop this searial awesome…. For people who see all season …. even for this . All this people who see season , u will make happy . Good Look for create season 6. I hope u will do.
P.s: I WAIT 🙂
i been waitching the old ghost whisperer show and i really hope u guys make a new one’s i really want to now what happens . i would be really happy if u guys did make season 6 it well make me really happy
I hardly watch tv, because a lot of what they show on television nowadays is garbage and I’m in grad school so I barely get any free time. With the exception of Ghost Whisperer a show I happen to love. Go onto facebook’s website a lot of people LOVE the show and cast members (Melinda, Jim, Aiden, Ned, Delia & Eli). I have watched all 107 episodes. I am anticipating season 6. Friday night seems like a busy night to air the show, but whatever day of the week yall decide on is good with me, because I’m still going… Read more »
The sad part is though even if they were to put it back on air…i mean it would probably take a while to get the scrips and all written again and if you think about it even though it has only been about a year, i am sure that the cast has changed a little bit…especially Aiden, he is just a kid and kids change quite a bit when they grow up…sadly 🙁