Set at the fictional St. Matthew’s Hospital, Heartbeat follows a cardio-thoracic surgeon, Dr. Alex Panttiere (Melissa George), as she tries to juggle her personal and professional lives. She eagerly fights authority, particularly when it comes to her patients’ health and well-being. The rest of the cast includes Dave Annable, Don Hany, Joshua Leonard, Jamie Kennedy, D.L. Hughley, Shelley Conn, Maya Erskine, and J. Louis Mills.
The series had been scheduled to launch in the fall but it was rescheduled due to Melissa George’s real-life pregnancy. Heartbeat finally debuted on March 22nd, following an episode of NBC’s highly-rated series The Voice. It drew a 1.39 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 6.30 million viewers. Given the lead-in, it was likely a disappointing premiere.
Heartbeat moved to its regular Wednesday night timeslot the next evening and the ratings took a big tumble, falling to a 0.89 rating with 5.16 million. The third installment lost even more viewers and last week’s installment took a big tumble, falling to a 0.66 rating with 3.90 million. It was in last place for its timeslot in the demo.
This drama series still has several weeks to improve its ratings but, with numbers like these, it’s hard to imagine that NBC will be renewing Heartbeat for a second season. The Mysteries of Laura’s ratings weren’t this low and its future looks questionable.
But, what do you think? Do you like the Heartbeat TV show? Cancel or keep it?
We live this show. The production is excellent and interesting. Please don’t cancell it.
I love this show and rarely watch TV! Please keep it!
Please don’t cancel!! I’m so sick of great shows being cancelled after just one season. This is a very watchable show that has fast become my favorite. Maybe another network will pick it up?!
I really enjoyed the show and think it should be renewed for another season
Great show! Definitely worth renewing!
Please, please keep this show!!! I love it and it’s completely different from any other medical show on tv past or present. The characters are all likable and attractive and the story lines are great, although the husband of Alex could be done away with.
I love this show!!
PLEASE KEEP!!!! Literally could not stop watching this show!!!! I have been binge watching since It began!!!! Can’t get enough of it!!!! PLEASE RECONSIDER!!!!!
The show was alright until they had her looking longingly at her old boyfriend. I hope is isn’t renewed as I really like pierce and disappointed in how the show is going.
I love, love, loved this show with the mix of all the different personalities…Couldn’t wait for it to come on again each week. Why aren’t people 49+ counted in the ratings…don’t we matter NBC???? All the actors – Melissa, Don, Dave, Shelly and all the others, did an excellent job. The writers nicely intertwined the storylines with their professional and private lives. I think it deserves a second chance please!!!! Maybe another network can pick it up?????
I agree. 49+ should be considered as well. I guess we are considered “too old” … finally get a great medical show with depth, humor, and excellent writing and it’s cancelled. I don’t know why I even bother watching network TV any longer. So sad that all 18-49 year olds apparently want to watch anymore is violence, vampires and shoot em ups. Guess it’s back to PBS for this apparently, over-the-hill viewer that “doesn’t count.” If another network is smart, they’ll pick up, Heartbeat, and give it the chance it deserves to thrive.
Keep it please!!!!
Keep it!!!!
I LOVE this show and the “heart” it has. I am always emotionally touched by every episode. I will be very disappointed ifnitnis cancelled. I hope that every effort will be made by the network to boost the ratings.
Please keep Heartbeat. Shows about women in powerful positions yet dealing with matters of the heart are really important to keep. Most of such a nature are violent Please keep this show
I love this show. It is so much better than a lot of shows. The actors and writers have done an excellent job. Please keep it on.