Photo: Bob Mahoney/The CW
The Originals wrapped up its fourth season on CW on Friday night, and fans will have a long wait for the return of the series.
Why the long wait for the return of this series?
CW did not add The Originals to its fall schedule. The network is holding back the series, which started as a spin-off of The Vampire Diaries, to midseason. That means at least a late 2016 start, but more than likely the series will return to CW in January.
The decision to hold the series for midseason was discussed by Mark Pedowitz at the CW Upfronts earlier this week. According to TV Line, he said:
“We have a very strong schedule. We still believe quite a bit in The Originals. We only have 10 hours, so we made a choice to [hold it] to further boost our schedule at midseason.”
As a fan of this series, this writer was confused by the announcement of the delay to midseason. In a recent interview, Julie Plec talked about future crossovers between The Vampire Diaries and The Originals for next season, but the creator wants to have those opportunities come up organically.
A delay for one of the series cuts off the opportunities for those moments. The two shows have different casts and stories, but even after three years on the air, The Originals has shown that it is still very much connected to the world of The Vampire Diaries.
SPOILER ALERT. On the finale, Klaus sacrificed himself in order for all of his siblings to live. Freya created a spell that would put her siblings to sleep after Marcel had her poisoned and bit Elijah and Kol. Klaus was daggered, and the final moments saw Marcel hiding him away behind bricks. Hayley drove off and left New Orleans with four caskets and Hope. Her mission is to find cures for the Mikaelsons.
Right now, it looks like she will be looking for that cure for nine months. That is a one very long wait. Are you surprised that CW did not put The Originals on their fall schedule? Tell us what you think.
Bring back the ORIGINALS. What is the reason for the cancellation? One of my favorite shows.
Please..don’t cancel The Originals or Supernatural, they are by far the best shows I have ever watched! Excellent actors, great story plots and so addictive, I love all the actors and actresses, I have watched all the available seasons of both The Originals and Supernatural, both leaving me anxious for more of each show. Why do you always cancel the best shows? Please don’t cancel them!!
The Originals do not need be cancelled, now would be the time to continue by telling the individual story of each and , Klaus, Rebecca, Kloe, Elijah, Haley and
Freya. Perhaps a spin off of Hope. A lot of stories in this show! Please do put it on the shelve.
The Finale made me sad because it looks like they brought the Originals back for one last farewell season. Ridding Elijah of all his memories, putting the Hollow in all of them, and spreading them all over the country to start new lives without each other. Feels like the end!! Please put back on the fall schedule!!!
The Originals shows on the CW guide showing it playing on Sunday night .But instead The Shield is showing….what a waste …put Originals back on
Im really happy that the Originals is back after a long wait! Its more than just about vampires! It has an adult appeal with sophistication, and good story telling. And being from Louisiana I love taking that trip thru the French Quarter every week!
I find the Originals a much better show than the Vampire Diaries. Love the storyline, characters, and think it is much more sophisticated appealing to an older crowd without all the High School drama of Vampire Diaries.
No, no no!
omg i love this show [the originals]. i have watched and re-watched 3 times already. i want more. i think with the way it ended in the last episode this show could branch off with several different series. i wanna see hope grow up to see what her special abilities will be. there is so much possiblities and i want them all lol..please keep up the awesome job on this show. my only thing is when klaus fisrt appeared in the vampire diaires the show had him being the most feared man..he was the monster that all mosters truly feared… Read more »
I love this series enjoy the story line puts me on the edge of my seat alot please don’t cancel it
I love the originals
I looked forward to the show every week.
CW stop canceling the good shows like TVD and the Originals and get rid of the stupid shows you have like iZombie, crazy ex-girlfriend, and Jane the Virgin! Those are the worse shows I have ever seen! And this new one Riverdale, what a waste of an hour! Bring back the Originals at least and add some of the cast from TVD to it!
That is my favorite show, I’m so glad its not cancelled.
Bad descision enjoyed more than vampire diaries