Tonight, NBC aired the 11th episode of Crisis, titled “Best Laid Plans.” The final two episodes of the cancelled series had been scheduled for Sunday, June 29th but they’ll now air on Saturday, June 21st, starting at 8pm.
Here’s are the descriptions:
UPDATES-NBC PRIMETIME SCHEDULE – Monday June 16, 2014 – Monday June 23, 2014
06/21/2014 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Saturday) : GIBSON’S PLAN TAKES A SURPRISING TURN – Finley (Lance Gross) makes a heroic move while in the mansion with the kidnappers. Meanwhile, Beth Ann (Stevie Lynn Jones) ends up in further danger as a mystery person is determined to get revenge against Gibson (Dermot Mulroney). Gillian Anderson, Rachael Taylor, Halston Sage, Max Schneider, Max Martini, Michael Beach also star. Adam Miller guest stars. TV-14 V“CRISIS”
(X) “WORLD’S BEST DAD” 06/21/2014 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Saturday) : THE TABLES HAVE TURNED – Gibson (Dermot Mulroney) finds himself on a mission orchestrated by Beth Ann’s (Stevie Lynn Jones) kidnapper, who insists Gibson publicly confess to his crimes at a ceremony with the President (guest star John Allen Nelson) and First Lady (guest star Melinda McGraw). Meanwhile, Ian (Max Schneider) receives a cryptic message that sends him and Amber (Halston Sage) on a dangerous mission. Elsewhere, Finley (Lance Gross) and Dunn (Rachael Taylor) attempt to stop a threat and stumble upon a shocking revelation. Gillian Anderson, Michael Beach and Joshua Erenberg star. Adam Miller guest stars. TV-14 LV
What do you think? Do you like the Crisis series? Will you watch the last two episodes? Should it have been cancelled?
Why???? My husband and I loved this show!!
Again another show cancelled. Why bother even putting it on to get our attention and then not renewing it. Get real I’ll start turning into a different channel.
Im pissed I won’t know if Amber is ever told that we aunt is really her mother. I want to know what happens. Why does this show have to be canceled!!?!?
This was a great show!!! I just found out the show was canceled! I was actually looking it up to see when out was coming back on! That’s very disappointing. I actually liked the idea of looking at NBC again, but I guess I have no reason to now. Thanks NBC. I guess I’ll still tune in for Sunday night football.
Am very disappointed that this show was cancelled. I loved it. If it wasn’t for my son working props on the series, I wouldn’t have seen the last two episodes. He helped me get to the NBC app to view them. It would have been nice to see what was going to happen to the characters and what was the text that was being transmitted in the final scene????? Please put it on this winter instead of that ridiculous farce with Kate Walsh.
I loved watching this show and am very upset it was cancelled. Also, I missed the last two episodes on June 21. Somehow it was not well televised that these episodes would be changed to a Saturday.
love this show pissed wont know how it ends
Really enjoyed this show, watched it with two of my kids (they’re adults) we enjoyed the show very much. I wish someone else would pick this show up, so at least we find out what happens to everyone. It’s sad.
I love the show Crisis. I can’t believe they are cancelling it and no one will even know the ending, maybe another chanel can pick this show up. Why would they cancel it. Get rid of alot of those reality shows that stink and keep these good shows with real actors.
They are making so many reality shows about tv stars and there relationships. Cancel those no one wants to see them.
Somebody pick up Crisis, the same way the other shows ended without an ending. YOu can’t do that.
No way….
this show is so defines the movie world, i love the pressure that it brings about.
This show was wonderful I hate that they cancelled it. There are some real bad show that should have been cancelled for example the Bachelor and Bacheloret trash
Outstanding show. Should not have cancelled. We are very disappointed.
Whyyyy!!!! This show is so good how could it get cancelled!! Im so disappointed in NBC!!!!
This is just typical, drop a great show, add yet another tacky reality show.
Crisis was intrigue, exciting and very smart. Missed last episode, I think it just dropped.
Bring it back I say.
NNNOOOOOO!!! My husband and I LOVED this show. OK, it was a bit too violent at times, but we REALLY enjoyed watching this show!