Grimm aired its 100th episode on NBC last week, and it has been a fight for the series to make it that far, according to David Giuntoli. He spoke about the series in an interview with The Los Angeles Times this week, and he made one shocking revelation.
Season six could be the last season for this series. NBC has not yet renewed the series though, so it could very well end with the fifth season. Fans will need to wait for news on the fate of the series.
The series’ 100th episode did answer a big question. Nick and Monroe found the treasure that was hinted at during the start of the series. They managed to uncover it on the last episode, and it had great power. It healed Monroe from an infected bite.
Giuntoli said the following about the future of the series:
“It’s very rare that an actor gets so many opportunities between “action” and “cut.” Most of your time as an actor is spent trying to get to that point, not living within those two points, and when you’re on a long-running series, you have so much time in between those two moments to actually yell “cut.” So, I’m ever grateful for all of the opportunities I get to kind of change it up — fix things, better things, tweak things. If we get a Season 6, it could very well be our last season, and it will be the first time that the writers would get to write to an ending. If we do, it’ll be a very fun ride, with major events.”
The series has been a Friday night staple for several seasons, but the ratings have seen a dip this season. Do you want a sixth season of this series? Tell us what you think.
I really like grimm. Please don’t cancel it. Each week I can barely wait for grimm to come on. Why are all of the good shows being canceled?
I agree with Lynn! I have multiple friends, especially those under 35, that are big fans. One, even named his son after Monroe!
Yes, we want a 6th season and more. We cancel plans on Fridays to watch Grimm. Loved it from the start. Always fun and exciting.
Have this dreaded feeling this may be the end of this great show!
Please renew this awesome series. I’d watch it for another 100 shows.
why do yall always cancel the good shows nbc needs to wake up and get rid of all the realality shows.please dont cancel this show. just like constatine that was a great show
YES I want a 6th, 7th, 8th… The show awesome. I have not messed a single episode. I think the issues started and are still with Bitsie. Her character Juliette was so needy and then just mean and vengeful. Then she is brought back as this super hexenbiest???? I like Bitsie as a person, but her character’s have not helped the show in my opinion. You get the feeling of family from the cast, writers and everyone and I hope it get’s to continue. You can’t beat the Nick, Monroe, Hank, Wu combo. Curious if the stick is from the… Read more »
Best show ever watched, please don’t end Grimm
Honestly it’s the only show I look forward to watching. It would be sad if its not renewed. NBC finally has a show that created character building, excitement and suspense all in one show that really works. They have created a show that has drawn a large following. I hope NBC does the right thing!
This show is so awesome! It’s not even close to being finished. There are so many ways to go with the storyline! Just because people don’t watch on Friday night…. find out the ratings of DVR fans and Friday night watchers and the ratings will show there has been no dip in viewers!!!!!!!!!
The only reason this show “would be” cancelled because it doesn’t contain smut, filth and nudity. There is a strong following of Grimm because it is entertaining, usual and very well written. The imagination of the Writers is one of the best so far my life time. Cancelling Grimm what will you substitute it with maybe following Gary Busey around all day. I bet that will pull a crowd. What about the dairy of Kim Kardashian’ Ass. What I am trying to say is there enough crap on tv, for the empty headed public. Please Leave Grimm on for the… Read more »
Please continue this series!!!! I love it.
Grimm’s season 5 eps have greatly enriched the series by answering old questions while generating great new ones. I think this series is far more popular than Hollywood realizes and it would be a tragedy to cut down this wonderful series in its prime while teaching even newer heights.
NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! It IS the best show ever! I love the interactions, the plots, the mystery, the cast, the writing, the artistry of the make ups…EVERYTHING!!!! It is a very classy show for it’s genre and perfected by the magnificent actors who do their rolls so splendidly! Please…there is soooo much more to tell!
Love this show! It is the only show that I watch faithfully. I’ve have seen every single episode!