TNT has pulled the plug on their medical drama, HawthoRNe. The Jada Pinkett Smith TV series has been cancelled after three seasons on the air.
The cancellation news comes following the end of the third season a couple weeks ago. Despite having a strong start in its freshman year, HawthoRNe’s ratings have declined over the past two seasons.
Year three ended up averaging a 0.7 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 2.51 million viewers, a loss of 22% and 19% when compared to season two. Year two had averaged a 0.9 in the demo and 3.09 million, a decline of 18% and 9% from season one.
When compared to TNT’s other summer shows, season three HawthoRNe had one of the cable channel’s smallest audiences. Only already-cancelled Men of a Certain Age had worse numbers.
In a statement, TNT said, “TNT has decided not to order a fourth season of Hawthorne. TNT truly appreciates the tremendous dedication of everyone involved in Hawthorne. The series gave TNT the opportunity to work with many outstanding people, including Jada Pinkett Smith and the rest of the show’s talented cast, crew, producers and writers. We wish everyone involved with Hawthorne nothing but the best.”
What do you think? Are you sorry that HawthoRNe has been cancelled? Why do you think people stopped watching? What would you liked to have seen happen in season four?
Image courtesy TNT.
First season was… Ok, then Christina went from a brave, strong and opinionated nurse to a “I’m right and everyone else is wrong” character. Boring to say the least. Stop watching in the middle of season 2.
I agree that if the show was aired at an earlier time it would have more viewers. I always watched Hawthorne on the weekend because I have to be at work too early in the morning to stay up late. I will definitely miss Hawthorne.
That was the one show I looked forward to watching every week. I’ll really miss it!
If TNT doesn’t pick it up again perhaps another station will????
What a disappointment for TNT to cancel HawthoRNe. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Hopefully BET will pick up the show like they did with the show The Game.
I am very disappointed that Hawthrone has been cancelled ! I agree with previous writers that we are left with very little to watch except the “stupid reality” shows ! I won’t watch them. I will read a book first. I also will miss Men of a Certain Age. Both really great shows ! Quit shooting for the 19-49 demographic ! There are more of us on the other side of that 49 !!!!
I can’t believe that 1 of the best shows television has to offer is actually being cancelled. With all of the trash that is on, like these stupid reality shows, the public is not really being left with much as far as true entertainment. I for 1, as I know will millions of others will end up giving up on television altogether. I have already started switching over to Bollywood for my entertainment. I’d rather read the translation of of a Bollywood movie for three hours or more than watch the trash that is taking over American television. Our senses… Read more »
I stopped watching the show after she had sex with Marc Anthony’s character. I’m glad it was cancelled – I hated the show getting raunchy
After a season finale like that, how are they just going to cancel the show!! I really hope they bring it back, I absolutely loved the show!! I think Jada and Marc did an awesome job on this last season! Please TNT bring the show back!!
I definately agree may be if they put it on an earlier time slot they would get much better ratings!
I love that show! real t.v great acting and intensity aw man I’m so sadd its off the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very dissapointed that Hawthorne is canncelled, I really loved this show. I hope that TNT decides to change there mind and bring season 4 for the viewers that enjoyed Hawthorne.
I am very disappointed that the HawThorne has been cancelled. I loved the show! I truly hope that TNT will change their minds and bring it back for season 4.
Great show. What a cliff hanger then cancel the show? Timing was bad too. At least do a series finale
TNT isn’t exactly a contender with the other networks they are only hurting themselves, so they need to bring HawthoRNe back!!!!!! or another network should pick it up!!!!!!!!
Sorry it has been canceled. We need to have at least a couple of more shows of Hawthorne to wrap it up and have some closure please!!!!!! I thought this season was powerful with her struggle with her husband and Marc Anthony!!