Long-running syndicated court show Judge Alex has been cancelled. The cancellation was confirmed by Stephen Brown, executive VP of programming and development for the Fox Television Stations.
“We would like to thank Alex Ferrer as well as executive producer Kathy Sapp and the entire staff for producing a strong daytime court program,” said Brown in a statement. “Alex’s extensive police, legal and judicial experience combined with his great sense of humor made for compelling daytime television for nearly 10 years.”
Judge Alex debuted on September 12, 2005 and features cases that are presided over by Judge Alex E. Ferrer, a former police officer, lawyer, and Florida judge.
The series is the lowest-rated of the five remaining court shows and will continue airing original episodes through August.
In a statement on his Facebook page, Ferrer said, “It was not my decision to end the show. I enjoyed doing the show and would keep doing it but, for many reasons, the company that produces the show wanted to move on. I am grateful that I was able to work with really amazing people like my EP Kathy Sapp and Associate EP’s Tera Roberson and James Glover; Directors Eddie October, Michael Dimitch and Art Bergel; Bailiffs Mason Burroughs & Victor Simon, my makeup, hair and wardrobe help that changed me from hideous to tolerable; incredible producers and associate producers who found great cases for me to try and so many others in our 100 person staff and crew who made the show a success. I’m also grateful to have so many great fans and friends, many of whom I got to meet; and I’m sure that I’ll still get to meet more of you at other events.”
He also hinted that he may return to television at some point in the future.
What do you think? Did you like Judge Alex? Are you sorry that it’s been cancelled?
Pls put judge alex back in I enjoyed his show everyday. I was upset when I couldn’t get his show. I want him back
In my area, first they moved Judge Alex from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m., so I taped it on DVR. Now they’ve canceled it. I imagine it was a little hard to attract new viewers once they moved it to 2 a.m. I liked Judge Alex. Hopefully, another network will take advantage of his abilities.
Wow, 2 am– that is sure to bury a show. I had to search for it here and then
eventually found the website that made it clear the show had been cancelled.
Am very sorry to hear Judge Alex’s show was cancelled, it’s a real shame, the one that should have been cancelled is the nonsense show Divorce Court. Don’t understand the rationale of these tv executives because Judge Alex was by far one of the most intelligent judges around. Hope he returns on another network.
We love judge Alex bring him back take any of the others instead
I hate that Judge Alex has been canceled he was one of the best on TV. So what does Fox schedule in his place…Access Hollywood and TMZ. Garbage! I will not watch shows about the drug using, Cartel supporting druggies in Hollywood. Judge Alex was a refreshing wholesome program. Please, some network pick him up.
We miss judge Alex. Why put a terrible show on like MASH? There must be something else!!!!!!
I live in the San Diego area and Judge Alex was on channel 13 over Cox cable
and now I think the channel is showing some other judge show but I am not
sure which one. It might be Judge Ross who is a nice guy but the show is fake.
I love the Judge Alex show and look forward to watching it every day. Now I will have tp fond another chanel to watch
VERY disappointed with Fox for canceling the Judge Alex show. I see 3 judges are taking his place..I think you will need more than 3 judges to replace Judge Alex. Why does Fox cancel a show without even asking the viewers?? All the judges on Fox..Judge Alex, Judge Marilyn, and Judge Joe are great shows. What is going to happen when Judge Judy is on prime time?? Hope you don’t get rid of any more. And if you really think having 3 nasty, mean judges are going to make the show entertaining.. NOT. We already have one with Judge Judy… Read more »
I thought Judge Alex was one of the best Judge shows on . He acted like a real judge should in a court of Law. I made an effort to watch judge Alex on my break at 1pm, nothing against Divorce Court but I rather look at something more positive than look at people with other problems in their Marriage, and how many people they SLEPT with.
I have been Married 34 years my wife and I love Judge ALEX show. Bring Judge Alex back PLEASE
Judge Alex was my all time favorite judge, he knew how to make people laugh and was always fair with his judgement, I am very sorry that this show is cancelled, I think they should have gave him a different time to be on, as many people are at work at that time, I looked forward everyday when I am home to watching his show, I hope he will be picked up by another network, he loved his family and he had so much compassion, so many times, he would ask people to hug, love and prayers…..God bless you Judge… Read more »
Bring judge alex back! Cancel that stupid divorce court!
Bring judge alex back! Cancel divorce court, nobody gets a divorce, the judge acts more like a phychologist than a judge.
Of all the Court TV related TV shows, Judge Alex was one of the most entertaining. I guess if he start coming off as brash, insensitive, indifferent, with no sense of humor like many of the other remaining TV judges exhibit then the networks might have keep him for several more years. He was a refreshing relief from those styles. He’ll be missed!
He was different. I will truly miss his show!!!!
We are really upset that Judge Alex was cancelled by Fox …. just another black mark against that channe…We enjoyed the show with Judge Alex’s sense of humor and the Baliff Mason’s laugh…
I see by another comment, his program was replaced by Divorce Court … we just stopped watching the channel … and may not go back unless Judge Alex returns…
We really miss that program…. driving us to reading more … which isn’t such a bad thing..
Judge Alex was a great show. He was personal and positive. He tried to help the litigants by offering advice, both personal and professional; as well as the public. For younger ones watching lunchtime tv, we’re now projecting the idea of divorce being ok and popular (why not fight with your mate and go on tv, you’ll be a movie star). I am very upset that Judge Alex was taken off with Divorce Court replacing it. (I don’t want anything to replace it.) Bring Judge Alex back!!!
I am bummed out, I love Judge Alex. I think fox is crazy for canceling his show. Please find a new channel! I’m really going to miss Judge Alex.