Reign aired its mid-season finale in January on CW, but when will the series return to CW with the second half of season three?
A return date for the series has not yet been set. The CW Reign Facebook shared a preview for the series’ return, and it does say the series will return this spring. That is all it says though.
Mary will face a new foe when the series returns though. Entertainment Weekly reported recently that John Barrowman will appear on the penultimate episode this season as Francis’ killer.
The news outlet reported that, “Barrowman, who’s no stranger to playing bad guys, is set to play Munro, a dangerous and charismatic Scottish clan leader who harbors a sinister grudge against the Queen of Scots. So naturally, when Mary returns to Scotland, she finds herself in the presence of the man who cost her the love of her life.”
Check out the preview below. Are you a fan of Reign? Will you watch the second half of season three when the series returns? Tell us what you think.
I love Reign I most certainly will be watching the second half. Please do not càncel it.
I look forward to watching Reign since it’s debut. I find it rather perplexing however to figure out when that is. I find it to be one of the better series available and will miss it if is cancelled.
This is one of the few shows I look forward to seeing every week. I am disappointed to know it might be cancelled. I think a re-evaluation is in order.
This show should continue on. I love the era, the characters, and the theme of this show. Truly disappointing news!
This news is terribly disappointing. I have seldom found a series that captures my interest, but I have been faithfully following this show since the first episode.
The characters have been well played and the plots full of twist and caveat !
The musical score is quite complementary as well.
Although not historically accurate, this show is worth the watch. I’d hate to see it canceled.
I feel the same! If they stuck to the truth, Mary would be back in Scotland marrying the biggest mistake of her life, but giving England King James I in the process! No fun there:)
This show is fun!!! Dynasty meets French/Scottish history-love it please continue
This is one of our favorite shows, please don’t cancel it! It’s so entertaining, we love Katherine and Mary’s antics
Cannot wait for the return of reign. I love this show.
Of course we will watch it! With the intention of finishing it to! Me and my friends/family(party of 32) all very much enjoy this show and would be devastated/pissed if it ever got canceled!
I love watching this show!! I love the clothes too. I love everything about it and cannot get enough of it. Mary is one of my favorite characters. I look up to her and wish I can be more like her!! Please to not cancel.
I love this show. I have never replied to comment on a Show before. I look forward to watching how the strong female figures are going to react to another struggle that they are facing. I have watched it since the beginning and I have never tired of their adventures.
I have watched this show from the very first episode. I look forward to every week snd can’t wait for its return when each season is over. I would be extremely disappointed if this show is ever cancelled
my husband and i just found reign on netflix and r hooked..please don’t cancel the show.We just got into it. We have been telling all our friends about it too!
I herd about this show during the third season and I must tell you I am glad my friend told me about t because i have had to catch up on netflix and now CW. I love it so much it truly is a lovely show with such wonderful actors. As a mom of 3 its so nice to put the kids to bed and finally get a moment and enjoy this show I hope they bring it back.
I am a big fan of Mary Stuart, and I was quite excited when this show was first advertised. Obviously, there is very little about the show that is historically accurate, so it’s been pretty disappointing. They should have just made the story about a fictional queen, and then they could make up anything and I wouldn’t care. My friends and I play a drinking game with the ridiculous, absolutely NOT period costumes: we must take a shot every time someone exclaims “WHAT is she wearing now?!” when Mary or one of her ladies appears in yet another modern prom… Read more »
I feel the same way, to a degree. The costumes, especially, are ridiculous (though often beautiful). Though I do enjoy the show, despite its many flaws. I just suspend disbelief for an hour. 🙂