The short-lived show Reunion, created by Jon Harmon Feldman (who also created the prematurely cancelled 2003-05 series, Tru Calling), centers on the lives of six friends. The show premiered with the murder of one of the friends at a 20-year high school reunion. The series then followed the criminal investigation in the present, while flashing back to the characters’ past — one episode covering one year of their lives, starting with 1986 and working forward to the present.
To date, nine episodes have aired and 13 have been produced. Production was halted after the show was cancelled and its 13 episode original order (up to 1998, eight years before the murder happened) were completed.
As a result, viewers were left hanging. Creator Feldman said that, because of the nature of the show, it was unlikely that the killer of Alexa Davalos’ character “Samantha” would ever be revealed.
In December, Feldman said “The show was intricately plotted over 22 episodes to tell the full story of our characters’ lives (and deaths). Because the events of Samantha’s murder are partially reliant on characters we haven’t yet met — and events we haven’t yet seen — there is no way to solve the mystery of her murder without being able to complete the full arc of our story through present-day.”
Despite an outpouring of fan support, it doesn’t look like the show will be resurrected but a FOX executive has given a clue as to the identity of who the killer was (probably) going to be.
At the recent Television Critics Association press tour, FOX Entertainment president Peter Ligouri discussed the show’s premature finish. Ligouri shared, “Reunion was particularly cumbersome in terms of trying to provide an ending for the audience. How [creator Jon Harmon Feldman] was laying out the show to gap those additional years was an incredibly complex path. There were a number of options, and he didn’t make a definitive decision on which option he was going to go with as to who the killer was, and there was just no way to accelerate that time.”
He went on to say that the network and the show’s writers talked about several options for the killer’s identity, but “the best guess was (at that particular time) that it was going to be Sam’s daughter,” whom she had given up for adoption in the first episodes. The exact reason for the murder remains a mystery.
Despite the show’s failure to find an audience (averaging 4.3 million viewers), Ligouri said FOX won’t shy away from trying unique forms of storytelling in the future.
“It is regrettable when stories end before their time. I don’t think that should stop us from being ambitious with serialized storytelling. We put these shows on and we’re going to continue to put these shows on every year with every good intention to end them, but eventually the audience votes.”
AGREE!! I loved this show so much used to watch it after the OC. They have to bring it back so we can have an ending. The actors from the show should get involved, maybe a movie, that would be awesome!!
I’m from Portugal, and even here this show left a mark… this show was my favorite, without any doubt! I can’t belive that’s over!!! We need the rest! 🙂
OMG! i agree with everyone below! this show was great! i didn’t miss and episode!! i was so upset when i found out the show was getting cancelled. Please bring it back!!!
Wow, and here I thought I was the only one – years later – that was still bitter about fox pulling the plug on this show. I agree with all of you, I would take anything – movie, book ,anything that could wrap up this great show…….
Please bring the show back or do a wrap up version!!!!! Something needs to happen I really liked it! Maybe another channel can pick it up and just start over!
I am still irritated about the cancelling of this show too! This show had so much potential. Does Fox even have a clue…… would have been a generational phenomena… Twin Peaks! They messed up, Big Time!!!
If they were smart….they would finish it! And market the heck out of it!!!!
They need to bring it backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
this show is better than the o.c. i can’t belive it canceld. i hate fox, you should try to re- make the show
I was shocked and disappointed in the cancellation of this show. I thought the concept of the show was both unique and intriguing. The story unfolded so nicely that I could not wait to watch the next episode. I really feel robbed to have a show like this yanked off the air like it was. To promote such a great vehicle and then take it away was so wrong on so many levels. I feel the devoted viewers needed a real resolution to the story. I would have been disappointed but satisfied with a finale movie to tie up loose… Read more »
i was very disapointed that fax cancelled reunion i watched it from day one and was looking forward 2 seeing who killed did the wronge thing by cancelling it when they did at least they could put it on dvd so we can watch what they didnt want us 2 was one of the best shows i have seen in a very long time.
i was and always will be a big reunion fan
i’ve recently found out about this show and decided to download it and watch it. i’m incredibly disappointed that it didn’t have an ending. it is one of the best shows i’ve seen, this is a shame!
4 million people watch that show and fox is saying that’s not enough???WTF. i was so such a big fan,i always study each character,,and for what??????? just to seat in my couch and turn on my tv and then realize that it wont come back anymore????? 2 year later and am still mad.
Dont start something if your not going to finish it. They should of leastwise given us a dvd. \
i really liked this show. It was the only show i watched at the time, and I really liked everything incorporated in it. I just wish I had gotten to see everything. I won’t watch anything else on FOX, no other FOX shows compare.
On the flip side for fans, if you won’t put it back on TV, at least throw us a different bone: put everything straight to DVD for us and/or available on iTunes. It would make me and loads of other fans happy!!!
its been 2 years and i’m still disgusted with fox cancelling the show… i still refuse to watch anything that fox makes due to them cancelling this show… so fox… you suck!