In the first round of this “smackdown” game, we asked you to make a difficult choice. From a list of more than 30 TV shows that could potentially be cancelled this season, you could vote for only one.
Interestingly, though all series have their fans, some shows didn’t get very many votes at all. When viewers have to choose only one, these got the short end of the stick ‘Til Death, Brothers, the forgotten, and Past Life only received votes totaling in the single digits. Past Life has been cancelled already and the other three almost certainly won’t be returning next season either.
Conversely, six other TV shows are clear favorites. Better Off Ted, Castle, Chuck, Fringe, Medium, and Trauma all received a high percentage of the 1,600 votes cast.
Round Two: Which bubble show should be saved?
Total Votes: 3,035 ![]() |
Well, now it’s time to move on to the next round of the game. We’ve taken the top six shows from the first round and now you get to vote again. Hopefully round two will be easier than the first.
As always, you can vote only once. At the end of this round, we’ll take the top two programs and ask you to choose again. By the end of round three we’ll have a winner and know which “bubble ” you’d like to see saved most.
Don’t delay, this round closes on Sunday, March 7th. Come on, tell us which bubble show would you save if you had the power to do so?
After you’ve voted, leave a comment below and share your decision. You might just convince someone to follow your lead!
UPDATE: This round has been closed, continue to round three!
hello for me TRAUMA is the best drama about my job. im workin as paramedic in ER in Regional Hospital in Grudziądz in nort Poland and think TRAMA is like a window to our world for many citizens who knew nothing about street medicine or humanns life sawing. sonetime when we start to the real action and when we doing great things for unnamed poeple on the street my city i understood evry part o this series very personally. if jou heve any informatnion about chanses of reactivation this series please live new comment on this forum.
Trauma should come Back . this is the best show i have seen since the Emergency show from the 70’s
if chuck is cancelled there will be three generation household that will more than riot
Plain and simple the BONNIE HUNT SHOW should not be canceled !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have seen a few episodes of Mercy and thought it was too much. Not sure if it is on the cancel list. I was very disappointed in it. I am an RN, and was hoping it would portray nursing in a more realistic light. Nursing is dramatic and interesting enough without adding all the trashy scenes and goofy situations that they put on that show. Sad that they can’t make a good, realistic Nursing show, that portrays nursing as it is – one of the best careers around… Read more »
If chuck is canceled I will riot!!!
The third season of this chuck is the best please do not cancel chuck give one more chance to chuck making his fourth season if you cancel chuck will lose much audience please do not do it I love Chuck and I know you have many fans who love too PLEASE CHUCK SEASON 4
If chuck is canceled many fans were angry and looks that are not just chuck is practically the best series in my opinion chuck you can do with your family or alone it is good not every series that is so, please, NBC drops in real and does not cancel chuck
Trauma is one of the best shows on TV!!!! The show is well written and the characters are nice to look at. Mercy is also good keep this on also.
Please don’t cancelled Medium.
Trauma is one of the best shows on TV. don’t let it become collaterol damage of the Leno Late Night Wars.
Trauma, Medium, and Castle FOR SURE
Love Trauma. Please do not cancel the show. I loved ER and they cancel that but this is a good replacement.
Please do not cancel Trauma! It is one of the only shows that is fit for families to watch (if they hide their eyes during authentic accidents) together. Some of the emergencies & accidents that happen are actually useful for people to see, in my opinion. Sometimes knowing what can happen, can make a person think twice and Trauma definitely does that.
We also love the cast & the San Francisco scenery and the way the characters are developing. It has the potential to big a bit hit, if you give it a chance!
I agree it can be very usefull and Imiss Rabit,Nancy,Talor and all the other medics and docters…
Don’t cancel Cold Case! The most quintessential crime drama on tv.