The story of the young “star-crossed” lovers is coming to a close. The CW has cancelled Star-Crossed after one season of 13 episodes.
Star-Crossed revolves around a pair of teens — one human (Aimee Teegarden) and one alien (Matt Lanter) — who fall in love and struggle to overcome the discrimination and distrust around them. The rest of the cast includes Grey Damon, Natalie Hall, Malese Jow, Titus Makin Jr., Chelsea Gilligan, Brina Palencia, and Greg Finley.
The series debuted as a mid-season replacement and never took hold in the ratings. The premiere drew a lackluster 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demo with 1.28 million viewers. Subsequent episodes performed even worse, making Star-Crossed one of the network’s lowest-rated shows.
There are just 13 episodes in the season and the finale, titled “Passion Lends Them Power,” will air next Monday night.
What do you think? Are you sorry that there won’t be a second season of Star-Crossed? If you ran the network, would you have canceleld or renewed this series?
Please bring back this show. It’s awesome!!!
I want t back I really love it
That’s messed up that it ends after one season. that is my favorite show to watch. It’s an amazing show and I absolutely love it and alot of people would back me up on that!
I just finished watching the show on Netflix. They can’t just put a show on Netflix with only one season. I really hope either CW or Netflix brings the show back.
I’m so sad there isn’t a second season. I really like this show.
Very crushed! Finally got to watch star crossed on Netflix and now my world is crushed. I don’t know what happens next. I’ll never be able to get a good nights sleep!!!!
Yeah, I actually had NO idea this was a show on CW until I happened to chance find it on Netflix. CW shouldn’t be blaming the show for bad ratings when the advertisement obviously wasn’t top notch. I actually really liked this show, and the fact that their is no season two really sucks. It took me only two days to watch all 13 episodes, and now im feeling empty without any more to watch 🙁 Please bring back the show, CW! You left on a cliffhanger, anyway!
very upset you cancelled thisshow hulu still airs a show that was cancelled why get people liking a show with no ending?
I am in an agreement, this is a really good show and the station did a horrid job promoting the show and I hope that the station brings back Star-Crossed.
I can’t believe there’s no season 2 I just watched the first season it was amazing and it’s really shocking that there’s not going to be another season!! CW needs to bring it back
I just saw this on Netflix two days ago and watch the whole season in two day. I can’t believe the CW didn’t advertise it more. I loved this show wish there would be a season two.
I am watching the show on Netflix. It’s great. I wonder if they will see the popularity on Netflix and create a season 2.