The Jack and Triumph Show will not be returning to Adult Swim. The series was quietly cancelled by the network after it aired its seventh episode back in April. Initially, a 20 episode straight to series order was given to the series, but only seven episodes of the series aired. The series starred Triumph and Jack McBrayer.
Robert Smigel, the man behind Triumph the Comic Insult Dog, brought the series to Adult Swim in February, and he realized it was an “experiment” for the network. He spoke about the series before its release.
Deadline shared his comments back in January.
“We knew we’d make lots of mistakes. I think there’s going to be a learning curve for the audience too, not just us… You kind of have to go with it and discover what we’re doing as we do it, and hopefully enjoy the spontaneity that we’re slipping in there.”
On the series, Triumph would visit a new location during each episode and mock the celebrity world. It appears that Adult Swim only needed seven episodes to see that it wasn’t working.
Did you catch The Jack and Triumph Show on Adult Swim? Did you want to see more? Tell us what you think.
Bring it back Adult Swim! This was a really good and such a hilarious show. Please bring it back. We are begging you. Bring it back please. A bunch of us fans loved this show. Bring it back! Please!
The show’s 7 episodes had viewership of (millions) : [1.72, 1.35, 1.33, 1.41, 1.26, 1.29, 1.28] . What kind of numbers did Adult Swim expect to get from a show starring a sock puppet. Did an average of over 1.3 million viewers really undershoot?
Renew it please and or at least make season 2 or just please renew it up to 20 seasons please. We need this show back Adult Swim please bring it back please.
Very saddedned. What a find! Now it’s gone. Hope you find a new home soon.
Adult Swim WTF?! This show was hilarious, and you say it wasn’t working? Morons.
I don’t watch anything on Adult Swim because their shows are weird and don’t appeal to me; they finally put on a show I love and it gets cancelled after only 7 episodes. I really hope Jack and Triumph is brought back on a different medium like some others on here suggested. Pure, unbiased, unfiltered insult humor is rare these days in our politically correct world.
bring it back !!!!!!! I loved it !!!!!!
Thanks to triumph coverage of the election, I decided to give this show a try: by the second episode I was so hard that I couldn’t breath. This is a gem of show, not high on production value but makes up for with pure raw raunchy humor. AS should bring it back.
Maybe Hulu can pick it up
Well that level of arousal certainly shows verifies your enthusiasm.
obviously it’s too edgy for people…too much political correctness for it to last…too bad, I thought it was hilarious…made fun of everyone…that’s the beauty…triumph even made fun of himself…I it turns up on another network
I hate the pussification of America cause of so called “offensive” material…there are things that offend me on a daily basis who gives a **** it was a good show maybe Netflix can give it a go
why was this show cancelled? It was the funniest show on TV? I’ve been waiting for it to come back on!
Netflix! Where Are You? Pick it up cheap! Plz.
Best show ever, since TV funhouse. Triumph is awsome, anything goes with him. The channel adult swim has way to much garbage on it, and they get something good, and they don’t want it
This show was brilliant. The jokes were belly laugh funny and the experimental nature of the style added to the show’s charm. Yet another underrated show that should have gone on form many more years. The network needs to catch up with this show.
I found the show to be hilarious….it was exceptionally funny, at times. The back and forth between the old woman and Triumph was especially funny to me. Sad to see it go….it was far from perfect, but it delivered more than it’s share of laughs, in my opinion.
I was in love wtih this show. I had been waiting and waiting and waiting for a new episode to come out until it finally hit me that they might have cancelled it! This show was my favorite show in the whole world. I loved the humor, I loved when they broke character and laughed. I loved when Jack acted like an idiot, I love all of the insults and dirty words and all of the celebrity guests! This show was amazing to me even after all of my friends dissed me for liking it. This show is what got… Read more »
I saw all seven episodes and I thought the show was hilarious. There were a lot of very funny moments and while some mock the celebrity scenes didn’t work, others did. I found the one where Triumph was talking to the fire fighters hilarious. And the insults he flung at June? The stuff he said to Jack, which sometimes led to witty comebacks? Honestly, if Adult Swim isn’t going to renew, I saw the producers should just up and release the remaining thirteen episodes direct to DVD and give us the full series. I need more Jack & Triumph in… Read more »