The Travelers TV show has been renewed for season two on Netflix and Showcase (Canada). The time-travel sci-fi drama stars Eric McCormack, Jared Abrahamson, Nesta Cooper, Reilly Dolman, Patrick Gilmore, and MacKenzie Porter. The second season production will begin this March, in Vancouver.
Netflix says, “They’re from the future but they’re living in our time. These seemingly ordinary people are secretly working to save us all from a tragic fate.” Deadline reports Travelers season two will drop to Netflix in 2017, after it airs on Showcase in Canada, this coming fall.
Travelers: Season Two Renewal For Netflix Series
What do you think? Have you watched season one of the Travelers TV show? Do you plan to check out season two when it drops to Netflix or premieres on Showcase?
Vary happy to hear Travelers has been renewed for a 2nd season. Interesting mix of character twist and turns as they balance the imperative of the mission against maintaining their humanity in the twenty-first.
Great show! Great plot! Can’t wait for more seasons! Thank you Netflix!
Hell YEAH!!!! :-D.
Great show can’t wait for season 2 to begin
I loved travellers so happy to see season 2
Yes. so excited for season 2
Fantastic watched all season 1 in a day. Can’t wait for season 2
Love the Show!!! Can’t wait till season 2!!
I loved the show and the storyline. Can’t wait for season 2 to be aired.
It is an amazing show. The acting is superb! The premise is wonderful. I can’t wait for the 2nd season.
This series is great! I just finished watching all of it and was surprised that the season ended so abruptly. The last episode seemed a little jerky. I couldn’t tell whether the characters were good or bad, and do not know the cause of the schism. It would have helped to have had about 10 more minutes to clarify what was actually happening. Still, overall, I highly recommend viewing this series if you you like lots of action, intrigue, interpersonal drama, and science fiction! It leaves one longing for the next season…I had to check and make sure that a… Read more »
BIG fan of Scifi especially when its a Canadian show TRAVELERS has great promise,great characters,great story line for the time travel genre,season 2 cant come soon enough!,ive must have watched season 1 eight times since its release lol,keep them coming!!
-Long Live (The) Travelers!!
Hello! I am the opposite of a sci-fi fan but this show came up in my Netflix queue and I thought I would watch for a bit. It had me from the very beginning! I love ALL the characters and their idiosyncrasies. I am SO THRILLED it’s coming back for a second season. I think this show is so great because of there’s no CGI, no major fighting and it’s not a reality show… I’m OVER Reality Shows!!
I am addicted to this show & so relieved that Netflix is making more!! I love every character on it, which is rare for any show.
Love this show…has all the elements needed to make a show excitable. Dramatic, thrilling, romantic, intense. I cannot wait for season team to begin. I’m glad to hear that season was renewed..I actually cannot wait, not many shows have I come upon where I feel this way, that our futuristic shows. I’ve always loved Eric McCormack awesome Actor, been waiting for him to be the lead in another great show!.Great pick and pic show Netflix. All the other actors as well are terrifi. Thank you Netflix, you always make awesome original series.
great show watching s2 now