Tonight, NBC aired the 11th episode of Crisis, titled “Best Laid Plans.” The final two episodes of the cancelled series had been scheduled for Sunday, June 29th but they’ll now air on Saturday, June 21st, starting at 8pm.
Here’s are the descriptions:
UPDATES-NBC PRIMETIME SCHEDULE – Monday June 16, 2014 – Monday June 23, 2014
06/21/2014 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Saturday) : GIBSON’S PLAN TAKES A SURPRISING TURN – Finley (Lance Gross) makes a heroic move while in the mansion with the kidnappers. Meanwhile, Beth Ann (Stevie Lynn Jones) ends up in further danger as a mystery person is determined to get revenge against Gibson (Dermot Mulroney). Gillian Anderson, Rachael Taylor, Halston Sage, Max Schneider, Max Martini, Michael Beach also star. Adam Miller guest stars. TV-14 V“CRISIS”
(X) “WORLD’S BEST DAD” 06/21/2014 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Saturday) : THE TABLES HAVE TURNED – Gibson (Dermot Mulroney) finds himself on a mission orchestrated by Beth Ann’s (Stevie Lynn Jones) kidnapper, who insists Gibson publicly confess to his crimes at a ceremony with the President (guest star John Allen Nelson) and First Lady (guest star Melinda McGraw). Meanwhile, Ian (Max Schneider) receives a cryptic message that sends him and Amber (Halston Sage) on a dangerous mission. Elsewhere, Finley (Lance Gross) and Dunn (Rachael Taylor) attempt to stop a threat and stumble upon a shocking revelation. Gillian Anderson, Michael Beach and Joshua Erenberg star. Adam Miller guest stars. TV-14 LV
What do you think? Do you like the Crisis series? Will you watch the last two episodes? Should it have been cancelled?
Yes I’ll watch it, if I can find it. Can’t find it with a Tivo search by time or channel.
This is the only NBC show that we watch. I think it is a great show and am sorry to see it cancelled.
I really liked the series! I wish it wouldn’t have been canceled. …I just couldn’t figure out how they could have kept it going? I did see all of the shows and wish it could have kept going!
The problem is, you 5 who left comments are.the only ones watching it. It doesnt matter how good a show is, if no one is watching it then it gets pulled.
My wife and I love this show. We find this show amazing and exciting. One if your best
show and that includes 24 with K. Sutherland. NBC Big mistake. Milt Rubin
Who’s making these decisions? This was one of the most interesting, exciting shows on NBC. I really hope another network picks one up
Crisis rocks! But, can they find another vilan this good. We have enjoyed the show.
I will watch the final episodes. If continued, I would watch. However, I think the show story works best as a limited series.
I will watch the final two episodes. Can’t believe this is being cancelled. Was looking forward to another season and wondering what the new crisis would be. One of the more interesting shows on TV
I really liked the show and wish it weren’t cancelled. I will definitely watch the 2 hour final.
I guess it makes sense that such a great show would be canceled. There’s nothing good enough on most TV/Cable that I would invest my time to watch; however, Crisis was addictive! I wanted to see how the next parent would be challenged and how long this plan could continue. It was disappointing to say the least when it went off without a notice and because I had it recorded, I learned of it returning only when I went to view another program–poor marketing for sure. It’s sad to think that ‘successful’ shows involve everything America USE to stand against…poor… Read more »
Love the show. Very upset about it being canceled!
I loved crisis, don’t understand why they canceled it!!
Love the show. Very upset about it being canceled!
It is a great show. It never should have been cancelled!!!