Tonight, NBC aired the 11th episode of Crisis, titled “Best Laid Plans.” The final two episodes of the cancelled series had been scheduled for Sunday, June 29th but they’ll now air on Saturday, June 21st, starting at 8pm.
Here’s are the descriptions:
UPDATES-NBC PRIMETIME SCHEDULE – Monday June 16, 2014 – Monday June 23, 2014
06/21/2014 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Saturday) : GIBSON’S PLAN TAKES A SURPRISING TURN – Finley (Lance Gross) makes a heroic move while in the mansion with the kidnappers. Meanwhile, Beth Ann (Stevie Lynn Jones) ends up in further danger as a mystery person is determined to get revenge against Gibson (Dermot Mulroney). Gillian Anderson, Rachael Taylor, Halston Sage, Max Schneider, Max Martini, Michael Beach also star. Adam Miller guest stars. TV-14 V“CRISIS”
(X) “WORLD’S BEST DAD” 06/21/2014 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Saturday) : THE TABLES HAVE TURNED – Gibson (Dermot Mulroney) finds himself on a mission orchestrated by Beth Ann’s (Stevie Lynn Jones) kidnapper, who insists Gibson publicly confess to his crimes at a ceremony with the President (guest star John Allen Nelson) and First Lady (guest star Melinda McGraw). Meanwhile, Ian (Max Schneider) receives a cryptic message that sends him and Amber (Halston Sage) on a dangerous mission. Elsewhere, Finley (Lance Gross) and Dunn (Rachael Taylor) attempt to stop a threat and stumble upon a shocking revelation. Gillian Anderson, Michael Beach and Joshua Erenberg star. Adam Miller guest stars. TV-14 LV
What do you think? Do you like the Crisis series? Will you watch the last two episodes? Should it have been cancelled?
NBC needs to reconsider this series. Lose some of the boring sitcoms!
Please do not cancel this show. It was slow to start but it is an awesome show, full of twists and turns and has an amazing cast. With all the crap on television now, this show is extraordinary. Why don’t you justify the garbage that you are keeping on full of smut, inappropriate language and “risqué ” shots? Y’all are going to far with your other shows with all of that. Crisis doesn’t have any of that is and is a great show.
Well, since I was gone all day long filming, and not expecting Crisis to air on Saturday, I guess I missed those final episodes. We’ll see if NBC respects their audience at least enough to make them available online for free.
Like it, maybe another network gets it!?!?
So I set my DVR to record the finale of Crisis tonight… and it DID NOT EVEN AIR…. Really?? I was watching this to close the book on the arch.. but I was finished with it… Now let me tell you the kind of show I do want to watch: Write a show where cops are busted by real people when they perform NO-KNOCK RAIDS AT TH WRONG ADDRESS and throw flash-bang grenades at children… Write a show that shows the FBI CIA NSA CSI NCIS XYZ is a bunch of f*cking loser civil rights violators… and the real people… Read more »
Why cancel such a good show? I watched it all season and y chance saw it was on tonight. Am watching the finale, but did not know it was on. You cancel good shows and leave ****** sitcomes.
NBC also shouldn’t have canceled revolution either
NBC should not cancel Crisis. It’s a good weekend show. In fact it’s a good show on any night!
I love this show! Why does it have to go. just give it a new night
One of the best crime shows this year
Very GOOD Show… I’m going to miss having Crisis on my Sunday Night Line Up!! NBC you really need to reconsider your decision to Cancel this show!!!
Please don’t cancel this action packed series with awesome actors; can’t wait for the finale.
I don’t understand why they canceled the show , it was good, they should get rid of these stupid sitcoms that they have,
I just want to know when is the correct night for the finale. I liked the show and I dont understand why you are canceling it and you have some shows on tbat aint worth a darn. But some of us feel our opinion aint worth nothing. I dont like it that you are also canceling believe.
ked the show
You better have the finale….I have watched the whole season….I have to see how it ends. I thought the actors were great, I hate to see it cancelled but the storyline was one of those that couldn’t last for a long time.