Game of Silence premiered on NBC this week, but the executive producer of the series had the long haul in mind when he created season one. The series, which stars Michael-Raymond James and David Lyons, is a bit darker than the usual programming seen on network television, but Hodgins is hoping that the series brings in viewers because of the characters and their story.
According to David Hodgins, the finale of the program’s first season will help launch a new direction for season two.
Hodgins spoke about the new drama with TV Insider, and he spoke in detail about the finale of this first season. He said:
“Look, the finale has some incredibly shocking twists and some incredibly shocking reveals that were, I feel, earned and will pay off the story. And if you watch the show, you’re going to get the sense of satisfaction. Some of the stories are going to come to an end, but we wanted to make sure we had cliffhangers and stories that we’re going to continue in the future. I’ll tell you, Act 5 of the finale just sort of reorients the show in such a shocking way that I really think and hope people are going to watch it and go, “Oh my God, I did not see that coming. So this is where this is going.” So by the end, you will get a sense of satisfaction and resolution for the stories we’ve been telling in Season 1, but with the twists that come at the end, it’ll rocket into a whole other level in Season 2.”
Game of Silence aired twice this week, and the premiere performed well with a lead-in of The Voice, but the second episode saw a 38 percent drop in viewers.
Did you watch Game of Silence this week? Will you continue to watch? Tell us what you think.
I love this show every episode please don’t cancel it I’m gonna be so sad
LOVE this show! Such a great drama. Strong story line and captivating characters.
I love this show….please bring it back
This show is the best show since 24 with jack Bauer please do not let it go I will never sleep without watching game of silence season 2. Luv this show.
Awesome dont like very many tv shows let alone actually watch them for more then 3 episodes but this show has me on the edge trying to predict whats going on next. Love the series hope to see season 2.
Please don’t cancel game of silence , I love this drama . Love the story line and the characters are really good. Love the intensity of the drama. Go for season 2 !!!
Really hope the show is renewed. Great characters and story line. Perhaps the drop to 38% was because it was moved to Sunday night and not publicized. I just watched Sundays two hour show on demand, because I did not know it was on.
Please don’t cancel. This is such a great show.
This Show is amazing and i cant waut fir return of season 2
I like the story line. The characters are great. It’s a great show.
I love this show and especially David Lyon. The show is gripping and has lots of twists. Please don’t cancel.
what happened to my comment!? KEEP GAME OF SILENCE! Bring on season 2! Love the storyline and geat acting! Keep it. Dont cancel!
PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL GAME OF SILENCE!! It is the best Ive seen on television. Great acting and storyline! It pulls u in. My daughter and I discuss it long after each episode! Keep it! we love it.
Man the Game Of Silence is one of the best criminal shows in along time. It’s ashame the network is not giving it a chance. I been watching it since the beginning and it is really heating up. I am a tv freak, have been since I can remember. I’m 53 now. I have my line ups for everyday. When I have to work I have sights I go to on line when I get off at 3 in the morning to watch. Please think again about cancelling this show… at lease see if another network is interested. Thx for… Read more »
Please don’t cancel Game of Silence. I look forward to watching it every week. This is a great show. Please bring season 2
Don’t cancel the show. I am hooked and can’t for season 2.