Happy Town revolves around a bunch of strange disappearances and murders in a small town. The large cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
After a disappointing premiere in the ratings, Happy Town was pulled off the airwaves for most of May sweeps. Before the show returned on June 2nd, ABC officially cancelled the TV show. Only eight episodes were filmed but at least answers to some of the TV show’s mysteries will be revealed by the end.
Unfortunately, ABC pulled the show off the air once again and left fans hanging as to when the final two episodes would air. Well, the network has released both episodes and you can watch them below.
What do you think? Are you in any way satisfied by these final two episodes?
Image courtesy ABC.
Happy Town was an excellent show! ABC keeps all the crappy shows like the bachelor and all the dancing shows they advertise them like there is no tomorrow, and then when a great show like Happy Town comes along, there is barely any advertising at all( and you wonder why no one watched it; kinda hard when you don’t know about it) they get us interested in it and then with no warning what so ever, they pull the cord! They did the same thing with Jericho! Then to make it even worse they put the final episodes on the… Read more »
I concur with Kate…waited ’til it was all set on my DVR to get the whole story, but ABC let me down…again. Unlike Steve, I found the plot line very interesting, Neil and Conroy were great as baddies and it should have been taken to some kind of logical conclusion (btw, Steve, the word you were looking for is “tripe”). ABC Execs need to pull their collective craniums out of their hind-sides.
While I disagree with Steve’s opinion, the word really is” trite”! It is defined as being stale, overused, repititious, etc. The word “tripe” refers to intestines (such as cows) to be eaten! In the future, if you are going to belittle someone by “correcting” them, please know what you are talking about!
Uhmmmmm…. I must have missed something or need to watch the last 2 episodes again. I am still in the dark as to what happened here.
I was very interested in this show, had all the episodes recorded and started watching apparently after it was already cancelled. What a shock to find out after the last regular broadcast that the show was no more. Bottom line…. these last 2 episodes didn’t answer most of my questions.
I liked the last two episodes. They were weird but entertaining. I’m wondering what that movie was??? I would like them to make a few more episodes so I could get some closure. Oh well, why cancel a great summer show???
It left me with more questions & wanting more episodes too. It was very interesting & kept me coming back for more. This is it for me with ABC I have stopped watching any new show that comes on. It has been 2 seasons since I watch a new show on ABC & this one was the last one. Anything that is good they cancel. They put all those stupid reality programs on, like the Bachelortte, the Bachelor, etc. By By ABC this viewer is done with you.
I can’t even see the final 2 episodes, as I don’t live in the US, what about those of us you followed this show and would like to see the final 2 episodes, where would we be able to view it? ABC has a bunch of morons working there! Cancel a show that is interesting, but they will always make room for more stupid sitcoms.
Really, You couldn’t just show the last two episodes of Happy Town. You had a lot of people that got into the story line, but you rather show reruns over and over again. Very disappointing. I was hoping it would be like Harpers Island. That was an awesome show.
are they making more episodes of happy town? i like the show. it was interesting show.
I enjoyed the final two episodes. I preferred Episode 7 to Episode 8 only because 8 started to confuse me. You have to re-watch *some* of these episodes to digest everything. The last episode, of course, left me wanting more answers. One of my biggest disappointments was that there weren’t enough episodes made to put out a DVD. Then again, unlike “Invasion” it would be too open-ended for that. Some people felt that there was no closure for “Invasion” (cancelled after the first season of 22 episodes) but lucky me, I was able to find a sense of closure in… Read more »
No, not a bit satisfied. abc needs to finish the episodes.
i think abc is stupic o cancel the show. i enjoyed it… it was nothing like any of the other shows ans i liked that.. it was interesting had a different but good story to it i thought.. i hope it comes back on.. i really want to know what happens
I agree with Cyndie, I have more questions than answers. This is why I don’t watch ABC!!
These last 2 episodes I viewed on line were SO DISAPPOINTING! There was really no closure!
Sorry folks but I have to give ABC thumbs up for cancelling this bit of trite. First of all, let me say this was by no means the fault of the actors. Most of their performances were spot on, as were one or two that would have been better left on the cutting room floor to die quietly unnoticed. But the greatest actors on the planet can’t shine sh*t! As brilliant as Frances Conroy was in Six Feet Under and damn near anything else she’s undertaken (no pun intended) she was completely miscast and waisted here – as was Sam… Read more »
Apparently the ‘powers to be’ at ABC don’t actually watch ABC TV, because if they did they would realize they gratuitously promoted a show that while it had lots of promise, ended virtually midstream leaving it’s audience mostly dissatisfied -that is POOR customer service ABC and yes your dwindling viewers are customers and your poor program planning is why you trail behind in ratings as you lose viewers.