Set at the fictional St. Matthew’s Hospital, Heartbeat follows a cardio-thoracic surgeon, Dr. Alex Panttiere (Melissa George), as she tries to juggle her personal and professional lives. She eagerly fights authority, particularly when it comes to her patients’ health and well-being. The rest of the cast includes Dave Annable, Don Hany, Joshua Leonard, Jamie Kennedy, D.L. Hughley, Shelley Conn, Maya Erskine, and J. Louis Mills.
The series had been scheduled to launch in the fall but it was rescheduled due to Melissa George’s real-life pregnancy. Heartbeat finally debuted on March 22nd, following an episode of NBC’s highly-rated series The Voice. It drew a 1.39 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 6.30 million viewers. Given the lead-in, it was likely a disappointing premiere.
Heartbeat moved to its regular Wednesday night timeslot the next evening and the ratings took a big tumble, falling to a 0.89 rating with 5.16 million. The third installment lost even more viewers and last week’s installment took a big tumble, falling to a 0.66 rating with 3.90 million. It was in last place for its timeslot in the demo.
This drama series still has several weeks to improve its ratings but, with numbers like these, it’s hard to imagine that NBC will be renewing Heartbeat for a second season. The Mysteries of Laura’s ratings weren’t this low and its future looks questionable.
But, what do you think? Do you like the Heartbeat TV show? Cancel or keep it?
I am also crazy bout this show. I fell in love with it from the beginning. All the actors/ editors are awesome. The show really touches ones soul, makes you laugh and just completely and utterly captures you. Why do they always want to cancel to good shows. The last episode has got me hanging, I was so eager to know what will happen next and now they canceled the show.
I agree with all of the positive feedback below. Great show. I just recently discovered it. Hope it can still be saved.
This is my first time responding to any TV show.I LOVE IT! I usually only watch sitcoms. This has totally kept my attention. Please do not cancel the show.
Please keep this show.. It is so amazing. Its a combination of house and Grey’s what more could you ask for and Alex’s life filled with drama and how it fuels her madness in the hospital is awesome plot line. God would be crazy not to love and want this to be renewed.
OMG – How can they cancel this show after such a dramatic season finale??? I am so disappointed.
This show had the best stories . The medical part was much better than all,the other shows . The love story was fantastic . Just place it in another time slot.
I whole heartedly LOVE this show! An empowering woman torn between loving two men. I am heartbroken that heartbeat is not being renewed. I just started watching it. I literally binge watched the entire season in 2 days. I’ve never been so in love with a show before! The story lines of the patients are all beautiful. I truly hope someone picks up this show. Please bring it back! You’re making a big mistake NBC.
I did it in one!!
Keep it! I love it
I would definitely love to see this series return. The weekly episodes have all covered different, interesting themes. And, Don Hany is dreamy.
Please keep the show on as it is funny and serious as well. She is just a cutie. Good cast too! Please I watched it every week
I was initially reluctant to watch another hospital show but my daughter assured me it was different. She was right there is just the right amount of comedy,medical situations and character relationships that it’s not the same old same old fast paced storyline and talking that some medical shows have. The storyline are real and heartfelt. I personally think there wasn’t enough information about what the show really was. I know I wouldn’t have given it a look if my daughter hadn’t watched it first and recommended that I check it out. The actors are great , especially Melissa George.
This show definitely needs to be renewed, it was a great show. Alex might not always follow the rules but she really cares about her patients. The cliffhanger on the last show makes me more. Please bring it back for season 2.
Don’t cancel the heartbeat series!! It was very entertaining! I hate to have it not be renewed!
Keep it – we love this show in our household!! Give it a chance!
Please bring this show back. The cast is fantastic!! I love it and look forward to it. You left a cliff hanger at the end, don’t leave us dangling. It isn’t fair!!!