Set at the fictional St. Matthew’s Hospital, Heartbeat follows a cardio-thoracic surgeon, Dr. Alex Panttiere (Melissa George), as she tries to juggle her personal and professional lives. She eagerly fights authority, particularly when it comes to her patients’ health and well-being. The rest of the cast includes Dave Annable, Don Hany, Joshua Leonard, Jamie Kennedy, D.L. Hughley, Shelley Conn, Maya Erskine, and J. Louis Mills.
The series had been scheduled to launch in the fall but it was rescheduled due to Melissa George’s real-life pregnancy. Heartbeat finally debuted on March 22nd, following an episode of NBC’s highly-rated series The Voice. It drew a 1.39 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 6.30 million viewers. Given the lead-in, it was likely a disappointing premiere.
Heartbeat moved to its regular Wednesday night timeslot the next evening and the ratings took a big tumble, falling to a 0.89 rating with 5.16 million. The third installment lost even more viewers and last week’s installment took a big tumble, falling to a 0.66 rating with 3.90 million. It was in last place for its timeslot in the demo.
This drama series still has several weeks to improve its ratings but, with numbers like these, it’s hard to imagine that NBC will be renewing Heartbeat for a second season. The Mysteries of Laura’s ratings weren’t this low and its future looks questionable.
But, what do you think? Do you like the Heartbeat TV show? Cancel or keep it?
Loved this show!!! I am MAD to hear it was cancelled!!!! I want them to reconsider and maybe advertise it a little more!?!
I think the show is quirky and original. I really like it and hope it is renewed for a second season.
I absolutely love this show! I’m in the medical field. This show is accurate and has great drama. This show needs more advertisement! Please keep!!
I’m deeply saddened that they have decided to cancel heartbeat 🙁 I really enjoy heartbeat all the actors are Awesome each and every one.. 🙂 Please reconsider bringing it back for season 2..
Please keep heartbeat on, I don’t get into a lot of medical shows but this show drew me in from the first episode and I was stuck, please please bring it back.
Love the show. I have watched it from the beginning. Please keep this show. It makes my Wednesday night.
I love the show. It’s one of my all time favorites
I love this show!!!! please keep it!
I have been enjoying this show. I have not missed a episode since it started and was really disappointed that it was not on today. I love how it’s not a traditional medical series and would love to keep it.
I love the show HeartBeat please! Please! Keep it on The air It makes me laugh and it has made me cry. I look forward to each episode.
I love the show..I’m in hopes that they will bring it back..
I love Heartbeat!!! Please don’t cancel the show!!!!
I think it is a great show!!! however, the last episode left me a little bored re the two marriages in las vegas. had hoped to watch it tonight to see if it improved, but it wasn’t shown here (northwest Arkansas)!!!! help! I think it has a real chance, please keep it going!!!!!
Please keep the show, i look forward to watching it.
I love Heartbeat! They have to keep it going! Please don’t cancel it!