Christopher Chance and company have been struggling in the ratings this season and FOX isn’t exactly helping them out. On Wednesday, the pair of scheduled Human Target episodes were pre-empted by President Obama’s speech from Tucson. Those episodes have been rescheduled for tonight, an evening when viewership is much lower and many fans of the show will probably miss them.
Now, FOX has decided to expand the Wednesday, January 26th edition of American Idol to two hours. As a result, the previously scheduled episode of Human Target will be bumped to Monday, January 31st. It’ll precede the final Lie to Me of the season (and possibly the series). The network hasn’t announced it yet but, if the two-hour Idol on the 26th is a success, FOX could certainly decide to expand the next couple episodes which would displace the last two episodes of Human Target’s season. While the series was once going to get a ratings boost from an Idol lead-in, it’s now getting shuffled around instead.
It would seem that FOX has all but given up on the series. At this point, it’s hard to blame them. The ratings certainly don’t warrant a third round of episodes. Season one averaged a 2.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 9.6 million viewers and it was almost cancelled with those numbers. Thus far, season two has averaged just a pitiful 1.6 rating and 6.04 million total viewers. Human Target is currently the lowest-rated scripted show on the network.
It seems that Human Target is already destined to be cancelled and these latest schedule changes will be the final blow.
What do you think? Will Human Target be renewed for season three or cancelled? What would you suggest doing to increase the ratings?
Image courtesy FOX.
Great Show. Although I cannot watch it when it airs on fox. I watch it on hulu to catch up. if fox cancels this show i’ll never watch fox again. the story is just getting interesting.
Please, please do not cancel Human Target. Love the show and characters. It’s starting to really get super interesting. Who knew Gurerro had a child, develop that. I whooped
when Chance kissed Ilsa. WOW Hot DaMn. One of the best show on FOX.
Please Fox, don’t cancel Human Target! My husband and I are both big fans and love all the actors and the roles they play! Please give them a set time and keep them on the air!!!
Human Target has been a target of broken & hidden times and episodes , making it hard to follow the show at times. Fox gets you interested in the show and then it is vacant from that time slot ,if you watch any TV , you must look for something else to watch . For some loosing interest in the show , for even my patience are tried . Not only has Fox , others networks are included in such eractic schedules of shows . For a time I just quit watching local networks except for the news which were… Read more »
Human Target was better the first season. Everything from the treatment of the theme song to the smaller, trimmer cast. The plots were larger in scope, the guest stars more interesting. Yeah, and the fight scenes were better.
This year, they screwed up the music, added two unnecessary, whinny characters, bogged the hero down with practically saving cats out of trees. Remember that old saying about “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”? PLEASE FOX: put “HT” back the way it was and give it a dependable time slot, it should find a loyal audience.
EVERYTHING about “Human Target” is a giant step above the usual action/dramedy shows. Adding to previous positive comments, I compliment this show’s spectacular special effects and stunts, musical score, San Francisco locations and verrrrry talented actors! This series is infinitely more entertaining and interesting than the so-called “popular” reality shows fox clings to, ad nauseum.
Message to other tv networks: take advantage of fox tv’s short-sided vision and get “Human Target”! Give this series a consistent time slot on your schedule and the publicity it deserves.
Love the show – DON’T CANCEL – great mix of laughs and characters!
Absolutely, the best, not as heavy as “24” but all the action. Really put together well and characters are perfect in their rolls.
I can’t say enough good about this great show !
Great show – DO NOT CANCEL! This is a great show with alot of action. And let me tell you – Paul Valley isn’t too bad to look at either! Keep the show ON!!!
Love the show. It has the great balance of characters and fun. I usually watch shows like Southland and True Blood on cable channels this is the one of a very few broadcast shows that I enjoy.
If you give it some stability with time placement it will have a CHANCE:)
Human Target is the greatest thing since ….. well I just don’t know anything on TV I’d rather watch… Why is it that when you guy’s at Fox get something right you want to take it off the air ??? It would be a real shame to do that… I love each of the characters they have such a good time together. Please please don’t take it off… And who would want to watch 2 hours of American Idol anyway ??? Well my vote is to keep it…
this will be another bone head move. what is next nascar? way to go fox.daaaaa
If Fox cancels this show I will never watch fox 5 again, including football games if there ever are any again. Great charactors, spare me. DO NOT CANCEL
Love the show. Probably the death blow.
I have to agree with all these comments. This show has great characters. My husband and I love them all. Keep it going.