USA Network’s In Plain Sight TV show recently had its episode order cut from 16 to 13 installments. Is this a sign that the series is headed for the TV graveyard after three seasons?
Not necessarily. It turns out that In Plain Sight will wrap season three early for another reason. The Futon Critic was told by Universal Cable Productions, “John McNamara, executive producer and showrunner of USA Network’s In Plain Sight, took a leave of absence for medical reasons… John Romano assumed executive producer responsibilities for the remaining episodes. Given the unexpected change, we decided to end the season at a natural spot — with the surprising cliffhanger of episode 13.”
Season three will finish airing on Wednesday, June 30th. In Plain Sight hasn’t been renewed for a fourth season yet and isn’t necessarily looking like a lock either.
Last season reportedly averaged 4.08 million viewers but recent episodes have been attracting less than three million viewers. That’s certainly not a good indicator for renewal.
What do you think? Should In Plain Sight be renewed for season four or cancelled?
Image courtesy USA.
As one of the very best tv shows on tv – I really, really hope this comes back for the 4th Season.
I love the statistics, quoting “viewership last year was 4.08 million” and has dropped to less than three million. How the heck do they know THAT? I’m 55 years old and have been asked to participate in exactly ONE Nielson Poll all those years – and it was the week of Thanksgiving when programming was already screwed up with repeats, football games and holiday movies. Most people that I know have never been asked to participate at all. And last summer, people were still reeling from job losses and mortgage issues so maybe they stayed home more and watched more….… Read more »
Again, what does it take for the producers of shows to understand there is an audience who appreciates life being portrayed without the crap of no morals and extra emphasis on the visual sex of women and men’s general rotten treatment of each other… mad men an example… there are those of us who want good programming. I was drawn into “Breakin Bad” in the beginning… and knew watching it was counter to how I feel about the drugs in this Country… if I had my way I would blow them all up and the people who sell them… I… Read more »
I love, love, love this show. Mary is my hero, she’s witty, smart AND sarcastic, just what I want in a busy working woman. She’s holding together all the sub-plots while holding down a demanding job and you just know Marshall is there to pick up the pieces. I just don’t understand why people rave about “Mad Men” when “Plain Sight” is so much sharper with more clever writing. YES, YES, keep it by all means.
I cannot believe that this show’s renewal is not a lock-in yet!! This is the best show on tv!! My Lord what does it take for you guys to stick with something good for awhile?!!! If you must cancel something why not cancel some of the other boring crap you have put on over and over and over. I mean NCIS is a good show, but how many times must you show repeats day after day after day?!! Run some marathons of IPS and watch all the fans jump for joy!!
I think this is one of the best shows on tv today – the relationship between Mary and Marshall reminds me a lot of the one between Mulder and Skully. The chemistry is fantastic, the writing is awesome. Everything about this show is fantastic. Please, bring it back for at least a 4th season!! Please!! This show is so refreshing especially compared to so much other crap out there on tv!!
This show needs to keep going. It is one of the best shows on tv right now. I hate how the season is so short and I wish it would run all summer. DO NOT CANCEL this show. I am so tired of all the shows I watch get cancelled and then replaced with some dumb reality show.
Bring back Mary and Marshall!!!!!!!
Great show, original, good characters, should warrant another season.
I am sorry to hear of the producer John McNamera taking ill and this being the reasoning of the show being cancelled. Still, if there was any way this show could be given another season this writer would be looking forward to something on the TV that has been given the careful writing of humor and drama without so much gore as other crime shows. I get really really tired of so much gore. This was one of those shows I could get a good laugh out of when Mary’s fast-talking wit and Marshall’s deep thoughts. I guess as I… Read more »
This is the best show on TV. If it’s cancelled it would be such a shame. Mary and Marshall are the best couple on tv in years with 3 dimensional characters and subplots, it keeps me on the edge of my chair and I have downloaded all the episodes so I can watch them over and over. Please give us another season or 10.
I emjoy this show and would love to see it return for a 3rd season.
Mary & Marshall’s dry humor is fun and entertaining.
Short and sweet: In Plain Sight should return. It is an intelligent action/drama with just enough humor. The cast is great as are the story lines. So if the powers that be read this please, please give it at least one other season!!!
I love this program. I am so sick and tired of networks canceling all of the good shows. this show is one of the best. the acting is great, the plots are original and believable. please leave this show alone. Please, Please Please
In Plain Site is one of the best shows on TV. The writing is good, the stories better than most other shows it had characters that are interesting to follow and makes the show enjoyable to watch. This is one of my favorite shows.
I love this show! It’s intelligent, funny, interesting… it has three-dimensional characters, which makes it totally different from the usual dumb TV. This has been one of my favorite shows since it started. My only quibble is that it isn’t on enough!