The Jack and Triumph Show will not be returning to Adult Swim. The series was quietly cancelled by the network after it aired its seventh episode back in April. Initially, a 20 episode straight to series order was given to the series, but only seven episodes of the series aired. The series starred Triumph and Jack McBrayer.
Robert Smigel, the man behind Triumph the Comic Insult Dog, brought the series to Adult Swim in February, and he realized it was an “experiment” for the network. He spoke about the series before its release.
Deadline shared his comments back in January.
“We knew we’d make lots of mistakes. I think there’s going to be a learning curve for the audience too, not just us… You kind of have to go with it and discover what we’re doing as we do it, and hopefully enjoy the spontaneity that we’re slipping in there.”
On the series, Triumph would visit a new location during each episode and mock the celebrity world. It appears that Adult Swim only needed seven episodes to see that it wasn’t working.
Did you catch The Jack and Triumph Show on Adult Swim? Did you want to see more? Tell us what you think.
What do you mean it wasn’t working? It was so funny. I loved it. It’s so much better than most of the live action shows on AdultSwim. I think they pulled the plug too early. I think Mike Lazzo made a huge mistake. This show needs to come back now.
I agree! I really miss this show and now that I know there were supposed to be 20 episodes in the first season I’m even more disappointed with Adult Swim. I watched every episode when they aired and I know several other people who loved the show too and also want it to come back.