As you may have already heard, Zero Hour has been cancelled by ABC after only three episodes. The news doesn’t come as a surprise as the debut represented ABC’s worst scripted premiere in the history of their regular seasons. The numbers for episodes two and three were even worse.
Still, there were at least five million or so people who made a point of watching Zero Hour each week. They’re understandably upset about the cancellation news — as are members of the cast.
Addison Timlin (Rachel): “The end of zerohour brings me great sadness, but every ending is a new beginning and that is always laced with hope. Thank you all, truly.” “What to the world was just 3 episodes was a whole year for us. Truly an honor to know, work with and love you, to everyone on the team. Xo”
Jacinda Barrett (Laila): agreed with Timlin’s second statement and added, “couldn’t have said it better. Xxxx”
Carmen Ejogo (Beck): “In a NY minute everything can change In a NY minute things can get a little strange” “#nomorezerohour I guess that means I can start watching American Idol again. #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife” “I believe process is often more important than outcome. I had the BEST time making @ZeroHour_ABC with everyone all year, so #noregretsbaby”
Scott Michael Foster (Aaron): “I absolutely loved #ZeroHour and everyone who worked on it. Will miss filming one of the coolest and enjoyable shows I’ve been on.” “To all my wonderful twitter followers, you make the hard part of this job so much easier with your kind words and support. Thank you.”
What do you think? What was your reaction to Zero Hour being cancelled? What did you think of the work of the show’s cast and crew?
I am so tired of the “demographics” of 18-49. What we “oldtimers” in our mid 50s don’t matter. Well, you better wake up networks we outnumber your demographics, and we have the money to spend! And ABC you lost another good show for what some stupid reality or non-funny comedy? I enjoyed Last Resort you cancelled it, I really enjoyed Zero Hour, you cancelled it. Well cancel my viewership, I’m going to move to CBS and/or cable. If you used this “logic” for Lost it would have been cancelled long before it became a hit show. BTW I never watched… Read more »
I have been waiting for this show to start and now its been cancelled. Who ever makes these decisions should loose their job. Hopefully another network with some brains will pick this up
Chris Bateup
Sydney Australia
I am so perturbed with ABC that I will never know the outcome of Zero Hour. I really enjoyed the first 3 episodes, even though I had to watch them On Demand due to the scheduling, and I was really anticipating the next one. Shame on ABC for for not trying it in another time slot, at least. I love Anthony Edwards and was so excited to see him on TV again.
Loved this show and am saddened that it is now cancelled. I don’t think it was given enough of a chance…3 episodes isn’t enough to judge it by.
It seems whenever there is a good series that I like,its cancelled. Bummer.
Really, cancelled after only 3 episodes. Why did you bother ABC. I know money, money, money but for those of us that gave it a try and invested a little time to a really unique show now it’s cancelled. Like the others said earlier it was fun to have something to follow, guess what was coming up and something fresh for the spring. Oh well, thanks to the cast for making a really good quality show.
I thought it was a very good show. We enjoyed watching as a family. This cancellation shows exactly what is wrong with our entertainment value today. ABC will keep **** shows on like the Bachelor and cancel smart shows. This just shows the collective stupidity of this country will grow larger every year by watching stupid reality shows!!!!
I’m one of the 5 million viewers that was captivated by the show and am upset with the cancellation. What’s happened in this country when we favor the trashy, no brainer reality shows over one that requires some power of reasoning. Please bring it back…at least through its 13 week inte3nded schedule.
I agree. I can’t stand those stupid reality shows. Everytime I actually find a show I like it gets canceled.I wonder what they will put on in their time slot another reality show?
I could not have said it better myself. I hope they at least advertise when the remaining episodes return.
It wasn’t too smart to put Zero Hour up against Big Bang Theory. Everyone watches BBT. Bring it back in a different time slot and I bet more people will watch it. I absolutely loved Zero Hour and I’m upset that it is gone.
This is stupid. It was never given a chance…3 episodes? Explain why this is cancelled and Honey Boo Boo is still on? Sad sad sad
zero hour was great…get rid of reality shows..whats wrong with network…
Anthony Edwards was great in this…too bad…bad move for network…
Not surprised at all about this being cancelled. The premise of the show was good, but the writing, the acting was one of the worst I’ve ever seen, especially for a high budget show like this one. It’s good it was cancelled, this should have been better.
Zero Hour is among the best of what’s on TV. It deserved a better shot. Bring it back, and Harry’s Law, too. Then network programming will be not quite a “vast wasteland.” C’mon, ABC, where is your courage? Show us programming that makes us think and get involved in the storyline, not dumbs us down. Zero Hour is intelligent. Are you?
Figures … But did it get cancelled because of the ratings or because of the church? Always a thought. First show in a long tine that kept me captivated. I too am sick of reality shows! And i am really sick of age old movies….gurrrr
This should be picked up by AMC or Netflix immediately. It’s worth continuing and unfortunately network television will kill a good idea. I’m surprised The Good Wife is still on considering CBS buries it on Sunday night where it’s often overshadowed by NFL games running long or some stupid awards show.
PLEASE bring this show to AMC or Netflix. It deserves to go on…