In a recent installment of Larry King’s web talk show, Larry King Now, the host interviewed Dennis Quaid about the actor’s CBS TV show, Vegas. They talked a lot about various aspects of the show and Quaid gave King a tour of the impressive set.
On two occasions during their discussion, King described Vegas as being a successful series. The second time, he called it “an enormous hit” and asked Quaid if he would stick with the series if it ran for eight years. The actor seemed a bit uncomfortable and was careful not to agree or disagree with what King was saying.
Here are the clips:
As readers here know, Vegas is definitely not a ratings hit and is almost certain to be cancelled after one season. Despite having expensive sets and top actors, the ratings were pretty bad on Tuesday nights and are now terrible, even by Friday night standards.
There are 21 episodes in this season and, given Vegas’ numbers, it’s a bit of a surprise that the network let them all air. Tonight’s is the 20th installment which means that next week’s episode, titled “Sons of Nevada,” will surely be the series finale.
CBS will announce their plans for the 2013-14 season on or before Wednesday, May 15th. As we do every year, we’ll have all the latest news on renewals and cancellations as soon as they’re announced.
What do you think? Are you enjoying Vegas on CBS? Is it a hit? Are you hoping that it gets renewed somehow?
Was the best show on tv at the time.. It ended my tv watching days esp cbs.
Vegas was a great show to watch and was cancelled during the Obama era. Ant connection?
Please someone pick up Vegas!! We loved it and I already miss it!!!!!
Really disappointed, I really liked that show. I can’t believe the ratings were that bad. Bring it back!
I will really miss it?
Can’t believe this fabulous show was cancelled. CBS missed the boat. Jd
Was dismayed to hear Vegas was being cancelled: intelligent, believable, exciting and now gone. What does CBS think with? Jd
Only good series on TV. Vegas was all we watched tv for, finally a show with a written script. That must be why it was cancelled, it took creativity to make, something you can’t find on the networks anymore. We always made our plans around our evenings to watch Vegas. This was a quality show that you can’t find anymore. I agree there is nothing on but reality crap that we won’t watch. More free time for us!
Great Show!!! Incredible story, actors and sets. Hopefully TNT or someone will pick it up. Almost everyone that I know watches it. Ages 30’s to 70’s. Don’t let such a refreshing show die. It’s hard to believe that classless show’s like 2 Broke Girls, Big Brother and Mistresses stay on air and shows like Vegas gets canceled.
vegas is a keeper
I can’t believe this! Another decent and at times great show being cancelled? How can this kind of exciting drama (with humor) be cancelled and so much crap left on? This was the perfect kind of viewing for baby boomers. This show was never given a chance. CBS goes back to last place.
Great show, an entertaining look at 1960’s Las Vegas, a change from silly sit-coms. Good actors and scripts.
Vegas was the only network show I watched all season. I am ver disappointed that CBS cancelled such a good series.
Also loved the show. Wish it would come back. Acting and writing was fabulous.