Of the five networks, The CW has the fewest hours of primetime to fill but they’re not finding it any easier to find hits. Most of their returning shows are way down year-to-year and some of their new series are struggling. Which will be cancelled or renewed? Stay tuned!
CW shows this season (so far): The 100, America’s Next Top Model, Arrow, Backpackers, Beauty and the Beast, The Carrie Diaries, Famous in 12, Hart of Dixie, Masters of Illusion, Nikita, The Originals, Penn & Teller: Fool Us, Reign, Seed, Supernatural, The Tomorrow People, The Vampire Diaries, and Whose Line Is It Anyway?.
How does The CW decide what to cancel or renew? They look at a lot of different factors but the ratings play an important role. The higher the ratings, the better chance a show has of surviving. Here’s how the network’s shows are doing so far:
Check other networks’ rankings: ABC | CBS | FOX | NBC | ABC Family | TNT
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also see them here and here.
A couple of notes about these charts:
These figures are updated automatically as new ratings are released. The averages are based on the final national numbers (live plus same day viewing), unless marked with an asterisk (*). For technical reasons, I have to resort them manually so feel free to let me know if I missed something.
Keep in mind that the demo numbers are typically what’s most important to advertisers. Therefore, that’s how the networks measure success. Advertisers pay more for ad time on a show that has a higher demo rating. Because older viewers don’t count? No, it’s because younger viewers watch less traditional TV and are therefore supposedly harder to reach.
Demo numbers are typically reported using the 10ths decimal place (2.4, for example). In the averages, I’m using an extra decimal for easier ranking.
The networks take into account when shows air on Fridays or Saturday, nights when TV viewership is lower.
What do you think? Which shows are you rooting for? Which one isn’t as big a hit as you thought? Are you hoping any series will get cancelled to make room for something else?
i love beauty and the beast & the extra ordinary chemistry of vincent & cathrine. Jay & Kristin rocks…..!!! 😀 only waiting for the season 3
I think Beauty and the Beast last 6 episodes were great,the writers need to keep up writing great scripts to hopefully get a full season!!!!
I love Beauty and the beast, it such a modern series and it keeps on my toes everytime I watch it. I hope it stays on for another couple of season. I look forward to my Mondays watching Cat and Vincent. I am relieved it did not get cxl.
I love Beauty and the Beast! So glad it’s been renewed for a third season. I like it much better than the older version with Linda Hamilton. I like the new modern spin on an age old classic romance. I thnk the show is perfectly cast too. Writers did a much better job in S2 as opposed to S1 and I thought the season finale was excellent too. Kept me on the edge of my seat. Well done! Would love to see the show continue for several more seasons, that’s how good it is. I’m a Beastie forever now! :… Read more »
Reign is the best show the CW has ever aired (exept for TVD Smallville & maybe The 100) people should start watching that show, it should get higher ratings, it is amazing. The Originals & Arrow disappointed me BIG TIME.
I enjoy Beauty and the Beast and I cannot wait for season 3.
i cant believe you cancelled star-crossed and the tomorrow people they were great tv series you should cancelled heart of dixie is an absurd tv show i hate it. i hope there was a new nikita and put again the secret circle
Starr cossed is the ******* gayes show ever i dot know what the **** they were thinking airring that show
Make more tomorrow people its a fantastic show with great actors and actresses with serious potential to keep going and going
Please re think your decision to cancel
Dont cancelled Star-Crossed or the tomorrow people !!
Its the best serie u are ending !! I love the storyline!! Give them a second chance!! Pls pls its so many fans wants to watch it!!
After Gilmore girls, Reba, the disappointing 5 season of the vampire diaries plus having the originals leave and keeping the promise of many crossovers and even just the idea that they were connected in same time with at least phone calls or updates in originals since you know klaus is famous for having informants I am getting very disappointed with the CW. Ever since they came out with privileged after they canceled Reba I got excited and completely into the show they then canceled it after one season. Since then I have learned with the CW To wait at least… Read more »
Soooo frustrating! I too am starting to not want to watch anything new! Cancelling shows after one season.
I too loved Star Crossed and the Tomorrow People. I actually spend most of my time watching CW (Arrow, Star Crossed, The 100, Originals) I am even now starting watch the Vampire Diaries. I have always loved the CW. (Still missing Smallville)!!!
I am agree with you Gina
Smallville was my best show in Cw
I am not understanding how the hell they can cancel Star-Crossed…it’s my favorite show on The CW. The show I cant wait to watch every week. Don’t get me wrong I am a CW fan in general. I enjoy the majority of the shows they air, however, I am about to stop watching anything new they premiere since they only follow through with about a third of the new shows which is so upsetting and disappointing. Every year they do this crap. I liked The Tomorrow People too but I can understand ending that after one season as there doesn’t… Read more »
Nicely said Candice. I too Loved The Tomorrow People, but that one I can wrap up in my head easy, Star Crossed had so much un-answered and many avenues to go down in the future. I hope The CW has people reading these and relaying our frustrations and disappointment with them. Star Crossed made the news in Southern Cali for our Monday Night Spaghetti Dinners. Tweeting our meal choice that night in honor of Emery and Roman. I keep praying The CW changes their minds in time.
AGAIN WTH is going on with these networks… THE TOMORROW PPL and STAR-CROSSED… you got to be kidding me i love those shows… bring them back… and i kno all the ladies out there love seeing those sexy men … geezzz what is wrong with you people..
Cw are garbage the tomorrow people should not of been cancelled, its so much better than beauty and the beast that should of gone..
If you’ve never watched the show you shouldn’t comment if it’s crap or not…which it’s NOT. You’re angry about TTP don’t take it out on another show.
its crap. even the ratings say its less popular– therefore they should have cancelled it and kept TTP 🙁 So so so upset
That’s why I don’t watch first seasons anymore… lesson learned after they’ve canceled Ringer and The Secret Circle. But they’re digging their own grave, because if everybody starts to not watch first seasons, they’ll have low rates and will be canceled. And I say this not only for CW but for almost every channel.
I personally love Beauty & Beast. A wonderful show. That one & Arrow are the only ones I care about. You took away Smallville. You take any of these two, I’m changing channels.
I agree with you. These are the only two shows I watch. I like these two because they are good shows with meaningful plots. I like how they intertwine the titles with the episode. I also like the romance between the two characters. I am so tired of all the vampire shows. I love these two shows and really hope Beauty and the Beast still returns in the fall. I will also change channels.