Everwood premiered on in 2002, and ran for four seasons, before being cancelled by The WB in 2006, as it was merging with UPN to form The CW. Created by Greg Berlanti, this family drama set in fictional Everwood, Colorado, featured widowed Manhattan neurosurgeon, Dr. Andrew Brown (Treat Williams). In the wake of his wife’s death, Brown moves his children Ephram (Gregory Smith) and Delia (Vivien Cardone) to the small town.
The two-part series finale, “Foreverwood,” aired on June 5, 2006. Everwood also starred: Emily VanCamp, Debra Mooney, John Beasley, Chris Pratt, Tom Amandes, Stephanie Niznik, Merrilyn Gann, Scott Wolf, Sarah Drew, Jan Broberg, Sarah Lancaster, Marcia Cross, Justin Baldoni, and Whitney Lee.
After the jump, find out what Berlanti, EP Rina Mimoun, and the stars have to say about Everwood‘s cancellation.
EW reports:
Having changed time slots four times in its fourth season, Everwood’s viewership average dropped from 4.3 million to a 3.6 million — making it a prime target for cancellation in the wake of the WB/UPN merger to the CW in 2006.
BERLANTI: It became about who is going to make the switch to the CW. It was us, Veronica Mars, and Supernatural that were all fighting for our lives, and we had heard that two of the three would basically make it.
WILLIAMS: I was in the middle of renovating a very large house. I was in the middle of it and the show got canceled.
MIMOUN: We created two endings because we weren’t sure whether we were coming back. The one that aired had Amy [revealing her feelings to Ephram]. The other one, which we shot but no one ever saw, had Ephram about to go downstairs to meet Amy but then he gets a call from Madison [his old girlfriend who had their baby], which keeps him in the apartment. We were going to play it out with the return of Sarah Lancaster.
VANCAMP: It would have been really disappointing for the fans had Ephram and Amy not ended up together.
MOONEY: I had that RV. I always thought that Edna should just take that and set out and go around the country. We could have done a new series called Edna on the Road.
PRATT: Everwood changed my life. It changed everything. It was the first time I ever made money.
MIMOUN: There is no good-God reason why this show isn’t on Netflix by now. It’s so frustrating. [Ed. note: The full series is available on Amazon for purchase].
BERLANTI: It was so magical, what happened every step of the process. I’ve never really quite had the same kind of experience since on any of the shows I’ve worked on.
What do you think? Were you fan of the Everwood TV series? Do you have the DVDs or stream it on Amazon? Would you watch an Everwood TV show reboot or reunion movie?
My family and I watched Everwood faithfully and obviously loved it. Would love to see a reboot. We are currently watching the show again On Demand. Living every minute!
I found this show on Hulu and I love it. I am still on season 1. I dont remember it when it originally aired but it should have lasted longer.
I love the series. I wish that there were more to come.
I recently found this show. Like a month ago. I’m watching the last episode. I can say, I’m very said it’s ending. So wish there was more. Please give some more shows. ❤️
Would love to see a follow up showing life now – hopefully happy – with treat Williams as a happy husband, father, grandfather. Perhaps the son of Ephraim showing up to meet the family.
No doubt, a reboot of the series could be wildly successful. Many more plots could be explored. And yes, wouldn’t it be something to see Ephram’s son appear in the series. Several plots could be developed on that alone.
My daughter and I just finished watching the entire series tonight and it was so bittersweet. We watched it for our mom and daughter nights. We will find something else to watch I know, but we loved Everwood. Those characters became family to us and we will miss them.
RIP Stephanie Niznik. I just finished binging the show and I saw her recent death in the search results. I loved her character Nina starting from the 1st episode. Out of all the shows I have binged on Hulu recently, this is the only one I felt ended the way I hoped, if it had to end. I was certainly sad when I hit the end.
I just watched this show on Hulu it is wonderful I hope you do bring it back. Seems every time a good series comes on it gets cancelled for no good reason.
I watch it on Hulu and wish they would bring it back. I love this show!
I just recently found this show. I am so in love with it, I have binge watched 4 seasons in less than a week. A movie, a reunion, a reboot, I am up for any of those.
I just finished the last episode and wish that the show never canceled. Everwood was a remarkable show and the ending was spectacular. Seriously need to bring it back with the same cast. I know its been many years now but it would be awesome. Seeing Andy and Nina getting married, Any and Ephrem married, seeing how Hannah and Bright worked out, and seeing where Delia goes on as a teenager. I cried many times. Thank you so much for such an amazing show.
Please do all you can to bring the show back. Very much in favor of a reboot.
So miss Everwood! Would love to watch again and again!!
Hulu added Everwood to their list so now you can! 😀
Download thw CW app. That’s where I watched it. And will continue too.
I was devastated when Everwood was cancelled. This show was the best. NETFLIX – PLEA pick it up!! I would watch & re-watch.
I just saw your comment on Everwood. I would watch a return of Everwood. It would have many stories yet to unfold. Move show to another channel.
I love Everwood and was crushed by when it was cancelled. What a horrible choice between three good shows, although IIR, Everwood was going to make the jump and then they decided to renew 7th Heaven, because their “series finale” scored well. I wish they had kept Everwood and not 7th Heaven. Keeping Supernatural was a good choice, since it’s still going to this day. Neflix! Pick up this show. It was great.