Game of Silence premiered on NBC this week, but the executive producer of the series had the long haul in mind when he created season one. The series, which stars Michael-Raymond James and David Lyons, is a bit darker than the usual programming seen on network television, but Hodgins is hoping that the series brings in viewers because of the characters and their story.
According to David Hodgins, the finale of the program’s first season will help launch a new direction for season two.
Hodgins spoke about the new drama with TV Insider, and he spoke in detail about the finale of this first season. He said:
“Look, the finale has some incredibly shocking twists and some incredibly shocking reveals that were, I feel, earned and will pay off the story. And if you watch the show, you’re going to get the sense of satisfaction. Some of the stories are going to come to an end, but we wanted to make sure we had cliffhangers and stories that we’re going to continue in the future. I’ll tell you, Act 5 of the finale just sort of reorients the show in such a shocking way that I really think and hope people are going to watch it and go, “Oh my God, I did not see that coming. So this is where this is going.” So by the end, you will get a sense of satisfaction and resolution for the stories we’ve been telling in Season 1, but with the twists that come at the end, it’ll rocket into a whole other level in Season 2.”
Game of Silence aired twice this week, and the premiere performed well with a lead-in of The Voice, but the second episode saw a 38 percent drop in viewers.
Did you watch Game of Silence this week? Will you continue to watch? Tell us what you think.
I never miss an episode of Game of Silence. It is so gripping. I watched the episode on June 5 and it was a horrible ending. I hope this was not the last episode.
This is an amazing show….. what a crazy, jaw dropping finale. I look forward to this show weekly and it always keeps me wondering. I hope and pray they will continue this show. Give it another season. I can’t wait for season 2!!! I think you have something great going on here.
I thought it was good
Left the suspense wanting to see what happens
The only guy I liked was the lawyer his friends acting
So so
But hope it comes back and if not it’s a cliff hanger we know who killed his fiancée
Holy Crap they have to get a second season! Besides the fact that it is a well written show with an excellent cast… After tonight’s season finale I have GOT to see the ***** that killed his fiance get taken down!!!
really love this show i sure hope its not being cancelled
You have to have a season 2!! You just can’t cancel it and leave us hanging!!! I was one who couldn’t wait until the show came on!!! It’s awesome and would be terrible if it’s cancelled. Please don’t do it!
Game of Silence is an awesome show! So why are they cancelling the show so fast?This is totally crazy how fast the networks are not willing to do to keep a good show on the air. There a lot of shows finishing there seasons, so please give this show the chance it deserves and come back with a season 2.
Already heard this was cancelled that’s too bad it was a great show with cliff hangars every week. Finally get a good show going something besides reality shows and they cancel it? I’m sooo disappointed
Amazing Show just heard they cancelled it what a cliffhanger for next season. Really upset it’s cancelled. Why is there so many shows that are horrible still airing. Although the ratings where low it was still an amazing show just had to put in on another time slot & day like Tuesday. There’s never anything good that night lately.
Love this show
Please don’t cancel this is my favorite show. The acting is good the story is fantastic. Someone please pick this up and then NBC you’ll be sorry u didn’t keep it. Please don’t leave us hanging
I love ” Game of silence” Looking forward to a 2nd season and will be very disappointed if the show is canceled. So many new shows coming out, there is hardly a chance to see them all. If more people knew how good this show is. I’m sure it would be watched with enthusiasm. I don’t think the show was given the chance to live up to its true potential.
Love this show. Just saw the finale and really hope there will be a season 2.
I think game of Silence is a great TV show they should come back for season 2 it’s exciting suspenseful and a overall great series. NBC would be wrong to cancel this great show
Renew game of silence for a second season. I really enjoyed season 1. Great cast also.