It’s been a disappointing summer for Mark Burnett’s reality shows. FOX’s much-hyped On the Lot filmmaking competition has been falling in the ratings since its debut and was cut back to a single hour long episodes per week. It looks like Lot will finish its run but Burnett’s other new reality series isn’t so lucky.
Pirate Master debuted on CBS on May 31st and attracted a lukewarm seven million viewers — despite coinciding with the release of the latest Pirates of the Caribbean film in theaters. Many feel that the series was highly derivative of Burnett’s Survivor series and ratings have been steadily falling.
As a result, CBS has cancelled Pirate Master effective immediately. Five hours are left in the competition and the network plans to post a new episode online each Tuesday at The “news show” 48 Hours Mystery will fill in for tomorrow night. Stay tuned!
I am very dissappointed with CBS! If you are going to start a reality show and bring in viewers then you should at least finish the season, if you don’t want to run it again that is fine! But I am sick of getting hooked on something & having it yanked off of the air. I had no idea it was gone for good until I looked it up on the computer. Shame on you CBS, your viewers should be the priority!! I will never watch another reality show on CBS, Just in Case…….
I am a huge CBS fan and I love reality shows, but how can you play half of a season and not atleast let us finish it out. If I wanted to sit at my computer and watch a tv show that would be fine but that is why I have large screen HD tv. BEWARE CBS I have taken this time to find great shows on other networks like USA and TNT that may start pushing you out. Don’t forget, Direct tv has hundreds of channels.
Cancelling Pirate Master makes me wonder if I want to get involved with any more of your reality shows for fear of not being able to see how it plays out at the end. I guess America’s Got Talent is finally looking good; at least they see it through.
how dare you get me interested in a competition and not finish i am a true blue Survivor fan and at least you could do is put it on late at night so i can tivo it! I am not watching it at my computer You dont need to put it on primetime you could put it on a different time slot? Thank you.You left em hanging and dissapointed! senior in California
I must say the show was not as bad as some on the tv now. I think they could of came up with some better ideas, however I would rather watch Pirate Master than 48 hours any day….
oh NO you didn’t. i’m gonna go ahead and PROMISE not to watch that 48 hour ish. chick all headband in the wheelchair i’m like “WHERE are my F’in pirates?!?”
is it too late to protest??
AIR THE LAST 5!!! (ok- fine, howabout just the last 3???)
I was quite surprised to learn that Pirate Master was cancelled. My husband and I looked forward to each episode and had our favorites. We were old fans of Survivor but found the last two years lacking excitement. We sure wish you would reconsider and show the rest of the PIrate episodes——
this is getting to be a habit for cbs to pull shows , remember jerico . why not finish the season .its not fair to stop and leave the people who watch the show hanging .
my husband and i enjoyed watching the show.even if you don’t bring it back, you could at least finished out the season.
We were really dissapointed to find out that priate master was pulled. My entire family would look forward to watching it every week. I don’t understand why they can not finish the season through with only 5 more weeks left. It’s very dissapointing to never no who will win. We already tried watching it on our computer, but can’t quite fiqure it out yet.
I am a mother of two children who have watched every episode with me. It is good family viewing (even if it is not as good as Survivor). My children were really looking forward to seeing who wins and who gets voted off. My daughter (9 years old) thinks it is like buying a hershey bar and only getting to eat 1/2 of it because not enough people like Hershey bars. At least show it in the middle of the night and let us all DVR it. If it is not worthy of prime time, give it to us in… Read more »
CBS did the viewers a dis-service by pulling Pirate Master without finishing the series. It will cause me to avoid getting interested in other new series on their network because they may PULL THE SAME THING. It sure was a dumb move.
Since when do they just cut a show like this off in the middle of the season?? I mean I’m just finding this out by getting on line. My husband and I are part of the 7 million who watched it religiously. We have been looking for it for 2 weeks. Too bad everything has to be about money. That is a lot of people who watch it and we should count!
I agree with everyone else. Shows get cancelled after you invest your time into them. It may have been weak, but it’s better than some junk that’s on TV. It was one that I could watch with my 11 yr old son – I even let him stay up until 11pm when they changed the time! Pretty soon I’ll stop watching TV if they keep cancelling everything I watch! Finish it off for Pete’s sake!
I can’t believe I’ve spent almost an entire summer watching and enjoying Pirate Master now to find out I can no longer do so. My family and I would eagerly wait for the show to come on. Now we are left with wondering what happend and who won. This really stinks. Thanks CBS you not only disapointed me and my husband but you’ve also disappointed two little boys. What a ridiculous decision. Please reconsider and let the 7 million who were watching have closure.