How times have changed. Last year, Revolution looked like it was the big hit of the 2012-13 season. Now, NBC has cancelled it, according to TV Guide.
Revolution revolves around the Matheson family and others who live in a world where there is no longer any power. The cast includes Billy Burke, Tracy Spiridakos, Giancarlo Esposito, Zak Orth, David Lyons, JD Pardo, Stephen Collins, and Elizabeth Mitchell.
Following The Voice, Revolution started out very strong last year but the numbers fell as the season progressed. NBC renewed it for a full season off 22 episodes anyway and relocated it to Wednesdays at 8pm. It’s really struggled in that timeslot and this week fell to a 1.2 demo rating with 3.78 million viewers — an all-time low.
Not surprisingly, NBC has decided not to order a third season. There are two installments remaining and they will air on May 14th and May 21st. The final episode of ABC’s Mixology will also air on the latter date.
What do you think? Did you stick with Revoluton? If you ran the network, would you have cancelled the show or renewed it for a third season?
What” I love this show…please don,t cancel it for another lousy comedy show!!
I think you have made a bad mistake my husband and I really love Revolution its a wonderful show we fill like the actors are family Im really upset please bring it back.
This is why NBC sucks never keep good shows. Go ahead cancel the only show keeping your stupid network a float!!!
Shame on nbc!!!!!!!! Best show on tv! No more nbc for me!!!!!!!!!!!
The last tv I watched is now gone. Thanks a lot NBC. It was the last show I had to watch with a friend. Whom I couldn’t even exactly watch it with her. As she is in Cali and I have to wait three hours to discuss the epicness or even aggravation of the characters with. We loved it. And had it continued I could have gotten my fiancé to enjoy a show with me. *sigh* Revo will be greatly missed. How depressing. Let’s hope Crossbones doesn’t pull viewers in just to be cancelled because it lacks what the voice… Read more »
Really? I don’t understand. Ratings down? Time slot and your rating system to blame. Quality TV hard to find these days…but your target audience is probably the reality crowd. This show had the qualities of what you find on CBS. Maybe you should learn something from them.
This is the best show on tv. Too many reality shows. This was very different! Hate to see it go.
Seriously? Thank goodness I was DVR’ing last nights episode because I had to rewind to make sure it said SERIES finale. So sad to see this show go. If I knew who to send a protest to, I would write in a second!!! Didn’t fans save 24 by doing that? If anyone has any ideas, please post it!
This will send me back to CBS on Wednesday nights for another season of Survivor!
please, don’t get rid of it, we love it.
I totally agree…..its only season 2!!! I LOVE this show
#team Charlie and Connor
i cant believe this. im watching last nights episode and at the end it says stay tuned for the SERIES FINALE. are they kidding me, what a joke. this is one of the best shows on tv and in recent years. its not reality tv so i judge people are not interested. Sad!
I have watched every episode on DVR or on demand, and now its gone another good series gone it started strong and then boom its gone. I just started watching series tv again because investing time into a story that will get cancelled 4 weeks or 2 seasons in just depresses me. Do DVR and on demand even get factored into the ratings if not ho can networks even trust ratings
Is there a way fans can petition (like the ones that did for Community) and ask NBC to bring this show back? Seriously, what is wrong with networks these days?! They cancel all the smart and well thought out shows and keep the stupid shows. Nielsen ratings isn’t even fair! Not everyone gets counted with that system and it’s not accurate to judge shows solely using that. TV networks need to figure out a smarter way to keep track of all its viewers. I’m so sad to see Revolution go, it’s a real tragedy that they’re cutting it.
Why would you cancel the best show out there! It is the best and most realistic of how the future can be. Revolution should be continued if not by NBC then by another
I’ve started a petition the URL for it is below please sign it, share it, and lets get as many people as we can to sign it and it will be sent to NBC to let them know that we want to keep this show!! We don’t want it cancelled!! we want them to bring it back for another season and not put it in a sucky slot and not have a 4-5 month break in between the fall and spring sessions. Let’s get it started people!!!
I’m totally shocked! This is one of the best programs in recent years. It goes along with the times, people prepping for disaster and all. I think NBC must have inhaled some of that mustard gas because cancelling shows like this is plain suicide!