The story of the young “star-crossed” lovers is coming to a close. The CW has cancelled Star-Crossed after one season of 13 episodes.
Star-Crossed revolves around a pair of teens — one human (Aimee Teegarden) and one alien (Matt Lanter) — who fall in love and struggle to overcome the discrimination and distrust around them. The rest of the cast includes Grey Damon, Natalie Hall, Malese Jow, Titus Makin Jr., Chelsea Gilligan, Brina Palencia, and Greg Finley.
The series debuted as a mid-season replacement and never took hold in the ratings. The premiere drew a lackluster 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demo with 1.28 million viewers. Subsequent episodes performed even worse, making Star-Crossed one of the network’s lowest-rated shows.
There are just 13 episodes in the season and the finale, titled “Passion Lends Them Power,” will air next Monday night.
What do you think? Are you sorry that there won’t be a second season of Star-Crossed? If you ran the network, would you have canceleld or renewed this series?
very disappointed that it isn’t coming back something about this show really grabbed my interest n my 11 yr old n i loved watching it… y can’t they bring back the good ones n take away the ones that put us to sleep i just don’t get it
I was looking forward to season 2. Its a big let down that its now cancelled. It was one of the shows that i could not miss.
This is one of my favorite shows and I am soooooo mad that they are canceling it….I just have to say PLEASE PLEASE don’t cancel it!!!
This is really annoying….All good series being ditched, and then you get things like true blood (no intention to offend anyone’s taste ) which are totally sub-par to this one and they run for years. I’m up for a petition too. This is actually one of the few stations whose series my gf and I both really enjoyed. My gf is not normally into scifi….
im so sick of good programmes getting cancelled just when you start getting into them. every week i cannot wait to watch star crossed its completely addictive its by far the best t.v show on right now. what more could u want?!! DO NOT CANCEL!! you will lose so many viewers!!
This is so rediculious!!! Every time there is a show my whole family gets into and will sit down together to watch, it gets can led. The ratings issue is pribably due in big part to the fact that a huge part of society has satalite for their television providers and most (like DirectTV specifically) do not support local programong stations like the CW for what ever reason. Maybe people should complain and boycott until these issues change. I & my family are greatly angered by this turn of events. star Crossed was the first show in a long time… Read more »
What the hell I like the show there’s not to be a season two is so much why to go with that
Seriously I would have not cancelled it, the CW really needs to bring this show back after this cancellation I’m gonna stop watching that station like I can’t deal with them canceling all the good and amazing shows with great potential and then canceling them so fast without giving it a chance wtf loved that show and a lot of my friends did too I got a lot of people into it
I think we should make a potation about this because I love that show. We have to do something about this because its not fare. We have to keep this show going because its the best show and I wont to see season 2 and I think we all do
I don” get into alien type movies, but star crossed grabbed my attention. I wish they would bring it back, so I can see what happens. How can you cut off the series before the first one is suppose to end. It”s a great show so far, unfortunately there’s few viewers, because of all the other shows going on..they should bring it back when there’s not a lot going on new….
Soooo… I just feel in love with that show for nothing? I think Im gonna cry. That show was one of the best tv series I have watched in YEARS!! Why do they always cancel the good sh*t? Just saying…
What the hell!!! All the good shows are leaving. I love that show and I was looking forward to a second season…instead they keep shows like the 100. Star-Crossed was one of the good shows. BRING IT BACK!!!
I would not have cancelled star crossed.
Best show to grace tv screens
Wanted to know what happened with atrians, Roman, Emery.
Also what happens to drake and Taylor and their child.
I would for sure renewed star-crossed. This is bull..!!
that’s crap!!!!!! I love that show
we should make a potation
Potation? I think you mean petition… In which case, yes we should all sign a petition.