The story of the young “star-crossed” lovers is coming to a close. The CW has cancelled Star-Crossed after one season of 13 episodes.
Star-Crossed revolves around a pair of teens — one human (Aimee Teegarden) and one alien (Matt Lanter) — who fall in love and struggle to overcome the discrimination and distrust around them. The rest of the cast includes Grey Damon, Natalie Hall, Malese Jow, Titus Makin Jr., Chelsea Gilligan, Brina Palencia, and Greg Finley.
The series debuted as a mid-season replacement and never took hold in the ratings. The premiere drew a lackluster 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demo with 1.28 million viewers. Subsequent episodes performed even worse, making Star-Crossed one of the network’s lowest-rated shows.
There are just 13 episodes in the season and the finale, titled “Passion Lends Them Power,” will air next Monday night.
What do you think? Are you sorry that there won’t be a second season of Star-Crossed? If you ran the network, would you have canceleld or renewed this series?
I love Star Crossed, everyone I know watches it too. How is it getting cancelled !!!! Now two of the things I watch are going …. the tommorrow people and star crossed!!! This is a out rage. If you cancel Arrow I will be EVEN MORE ANGRY.
PLEASE PLEASE do not cancel Star Crossed. It is an amazing series and it will be a major loss if they don’t even give it a second chance. CW should not cancel it.
Don’t cancel this show!! It just started and it needs to get known!!
Please this show and The Tomorrow People are my favorites!!! Give others time to
Get involved with these shows!!!!
This is heartbreaking two fairly clean shows with great acting and
Storyline and you want to cancel them? Please rethink this option
First Secret Circle, now this… Screw you CW!! You’ve lost a viewer.
I love the show! But they made a HUGE mistake by starting it mid season when they should have started it at the beginning of the season, more people would have watched it.
I say that is ******, many people I know have fell in love with Star Crossed. Age rage of 16-70. There is no need to make a show disappear after only one season, that isn’t really enough time to give people the option to view the show, and to fall in love with it. I wish that cw will keep star crossed , but unless many people complain its not going to go anywhere. The story line for star crossed has been a wild ride for many viewer I have met, but they also enjoy the craziness of thinking if… Read more »
This makes me so ANGRY! Taylor is PREGGO for god sake! Doesn’t anyone else want to see that **** happen!!! CW you kept bloody one tree hill for I dont know how many season TOO long and you cant even give this one a decent shot or a complete 23 episode season! at least wrap it up a little!
I really upset. I love Star Crossed, everyone I know watches it too. How is it getting cancelled. Really messed up.
I love STAR CROSSED. why did the cw cancel it, I officially hate the cw. StarCrossed deserves a second season (and many more seasons after that). I love ROMAN. he is perfect. I am so upset and annoyed because of the cw.
Noooo how can it be cancelled this is a good show. There is some crappy shows on the cw, but they want to cancel the best one, jus give one more season!!!!
No way love star crossed need to get them to make
I’m so sad! The cw has a great show in starcrossed. They need to give it more time.
I may not have the time to watch it every Monday but I do finish the episodes online. And I’m sick and tired of piece of **** shows getting season after season and I mean CW has numerous piece of **** shows that going on season after season and im thinking like really. If this shows get cancelled I’m never going to watch this channel again. This is not than one that you cancelled a good show and keep ****** ones on. I rather watch syfy get caught up on lost girl, warehouse 13 and all their tv shows than… Read more »
With you Hun I agree disgraceful ! Loved the show
Im so sad. I have really grown to love these characters and to not even give the show a chance to show what it has to offer why do networks cancel shows so quick without even giving it another chance. I mean why not change days or try a different advertisment plan i really love this show and wanted to see where the writers were gonna go. Now they will create a new show that they will end up canceling too.such a big mistake.
Nooooo. I enjoy Star Crossed. They can’t cancel the show!!!